
Why is it hard to be a man?

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  1. I think men are raised to think that FAILURE is total devastation.That its the end of the world for them, that they have failed as a man.

    It would be hard to live  with all that pressure on them.

  2. It's not. Each s*x has it's own pro's and con's. It's what you make of it.

  3. There  are distinct genders that seperate people into groups?

    My I can almost hear a ludicrous tale about nature doing such a thing in order to promote procreation in complex cellular organisms .... nature, ah ... such imagination.

    ** its humour Jim, but not as we know it.

    On the over all the answer is hidden in my merryment.

    There are significant diffrences, that count for sod all.

    Its hard and easy for both. Often easy is in being another person looking at another and saying they have it easier.

    Having it harder is looking at yourself.

  4. Men haven't been liberated yet. Because of women's lib we can be who we want. Want to be traitional and girly, that's fine! Want to be a tomboy and have a career, that's fine too.

    But men still judge eachother far too much about whats 'a man'. EG if he walked into his local pub and stated he'd rather have an alcopop rather than beer and said he hated football he's be mocked or even beaten up.

  5. Life can be hard, gender really doesn't make a difference.

    For the PC police, genders in the developed countries.

  6. We must be stoic, brave, confident, strong, courteous to women, wealthy and successful. We are also expected to be willing to die for our country.

    Imagine facing something difficult. You are alone, you must not complain or show emotion. You cannot run away and failure is NOT an option.

    Being a man is something to be proud of. I'd have it no other way.

  7. It's not, particularly.  The two genders come with different challenges.  In general, it comes down to how one is typically judged.

    Women are typically judged mostly according to beauty and social competence, and also mostly by other women.  As a result, women tend to think much worse of their appearance and are much more concerned with retaining relationships with friends and associates than men are, which can be an incredible pain and a gigantic exercise in paranoid stress, particularly if one has backstab-ish friends.  Also, because serious career pursuits are often looked at as unfeminine by other women (and unwelcome competition by other career women), women can often find themselves with a void of support when trying to do the same things men are encouraged to do.

    Men are judged primarily according to dominance and usefulness, and are judged by both men and women, though in slightly different ways.  As a result, men tend to be much less satisfied with a given amount of income, education, career progress, or victory in any pursuit than women - no matter how much a man achieves, it's not enough and there's still work to be done if he's not the best.  Given that in most serious competitive fields there are few people who ever make it to something that could be considered the 'top,' many men are left frustrated and depressed at being unable to advance past whatever point they are unable to advance past.

    So, I think fitting into either gender role can be difficult.

  8. Men have a lot of standards to live up to. They have to worry about making enough money to support their families, they have to worry about whether or not they are "masculine" enough. Also Any men that are around the age of 40 or younger also have the disadvantage of being raised in an anti-male, feminist society that has been telling them for years that they are worthless and stupid.

  9. would you like me to list them?

    1) men get arrested for something women do

    2) men have to deal with evil femenists

    3) men get nothing in a relationship

    4) men have respondsibilities,not rights

    5)  men have to deal with stereotype

    6)  men have to deal with discrimination

  10. The law often favor women in several cases/areas.   Government and politician often focus solely on the interest of women and catering to their needs.  Men's rights and issue are being ignored.

  11. If you're a white man in particular, everything that's ever gone wrong in the world is your fault, whether it was something you did 20 minutes ago or something done in 560 BC.  Discrimination against men is not only allowed in many cases, but often institutionalized and seen as progress.  Men are supposed to suck it up and take whatever's thrown at us without complaining.  On that note, we're still expected to be "masculine" by other men  especially, but also by women.  Dangerous work pretty much always goes to men, which helps to shorten our life expectancy.  Fathers have next to no rights over their children, particularly in cases of divorce.

  12. Men's behaviours are constantly being graded for masculinity. This is becoming less of a problem for women with femininity.

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