
Why is it hard to find a job?

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I doubled checked,with a person I trust, my CV and the person says it is ok, but wherever I hand in my CV I seem to get no reply for an interview. (I'm looking for a job in a normal shop) Is it me or is it the immigrants from eastern Europe getting all the jobs? As there is always someone with that certain accent.




  1. I will be able to help just e-mail me at

  2. You obviously ain't trying hard enough, or your  aiming too high.

  3. Get smart lad, why would you want to work all day in a shop for peanuts or less, when you can party all day and night with family and friends. earning ££hundreds every day. Get smart, visit this link, its FREE

  4. There are more jobs than are currently catered for so the fact that people from eastern europe have these jobs does not mean they are really taking them away from people born here just that they got there first or are being paid an illegally low wage by a corrupt businessman, which in that case would be his fault not the eastern europeans.  Also employers know that in general, immigrants are likely to work harder than your average person from britain, especially as many of them work extra hard for a few months or years and then go back to their country where their money is worth twice as much.  As for yourself, i would suggest getting as many people as you can to look over your cv and also look online or at the library as to how you can make better cvs and do better interviews. Just stick with it youll get a job in the end as like i say, there are always people looking for employees.

  5. its the poles !!!! oh im waitin to be reported but im right . too many . too fast .

  6. I know exactly what you're talking about. My partner is out of work at the moment. He's a builder by trade and over the years its become so difficult to make a decent wage cos of all the immigrants coming over working for sweet FA.

    When you've applied for a job, phone them and follow up your interest as it will show them that you are really interested in the job. Ask them if you've gone about things the right way and if there were any particular points about your CV that they liked or disliked.

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