
Why is it hard to get a part-time job?

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I applied at places like Sbarro, Burger King, AMC theatres, and Ikea. But, they haven't called me. I applied about 2 weeks ago. Does it have to do with the weak economy, or is there other reasons? Thanks.




  1. sometimes a few places like that dont really need any more part time workers.try doing security,or are great also.i always have an easy time finding part time jobs in those categories...even a parking lot attendant/cashier

  2. I must say I find it ironic, as I am a small business owner and I keep saying,

    "Why don't any decent workers want a part-time job"

    Theres jobs out there, it's just finding a match to you. With the weakening economy, there are actually more jobs with small startup businesses- less jobs with established businesses, so you may keep your eyes open for some of those opportunities.

    Think about what your strengths are, and what sets you apart from others- and play to them. Are you good with working with people? then look for jobs in that arena, but don't be afraid to think out of the box!  Do you enjoy kids? look into babysitting services or preschools.

    As others have said though, a lot of these "big chains" don't need employees right now, or if they do, are getting 100 applications.

    Good luck! It's a tough job market right now!

  3. It's the economy.  If businesses lose customers because the customers have no money, the businesses don't need employees.  They don't hire, they lay-off and then those folks are also looking for jobs.

    All you can do is keep trying.

    Good luck.

  4. One thing I can suggest is to contact them again. I learned at a job fair that if there is a shortage of jobs some employers will not even consider someone unless they follow up with their application. One employer put it this way, "If they don't care enough about the job to do more than just fill out an ap and walk away, they are probably not the right person for the position." Seriously, try it. What's the worst that can happen, they say, "No"?

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