
Why is it hard to smile and why do I feel so depressed?

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my name is will and Im 22 I have been on zoloft for about 6 months due to depression and anxiety. lately I have been doing ok but for the last two weeks I have been feeling so anxious tightchested and depressed. I can't say Ive been myself lately. my zoloft has defenetly helped me but my doctor recently upped my dosage and due to a dizzying effect they dropped my dosage down again. I dont understand why I have been so sad lately. I can be doing my favorite activity and I feel like I can't even smile. I have no positive energy. everybody trys to make me happy I just dont know why I feel like this. I really feel like I have a handle on my anxiety and thats a lot better. but the whole deppression thing is killing me. I stay away from alchohol drugs and tobacco. but I still feel horrible. I can go do my favorite activities and I have no desire at all.




  1. I think you may have answered your question. Them upping your dosage and then lowering it may have caused your depression to set in so badly.

    It may help to give it time or try a different med all together.

    Take care and never give up!

  2. Hi Will, I'm 22 also and have been on meds for 2 years. Lately I've been having the same symptoms I had when I was at my lowest. You should try asking your doctor to switch your medication, and/or start going to therapy. I've never been to therapy but am seeking it out now. It's the only thing I havent tried, so why not? Losing interest in things you used to love, is a telltale sign of depression- and you certainly should not be feeling so down while on medication. After 2 months you should feel the full effect of the drug, so if you've been taking it for 6 months, then the drug may not be working, and/or you should try out therapy- the combined drug/therapy is the most effective treatment. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you

  3. Will, it is hard living with depression and it's a shame that you've been prescribed drugs first rather than be referred to counselling.  I'm not saying it's wrong and please don't stop taking them without consulting your Dr.  

    A good start is to have a look at your lifestyle and the foods with all the preservatives in them.  A friend who suffered from depression and was on meds replaced everything in her kitchen with fresh natural foods.  Then she started taking vitamins such as fish oil, and B group vitamins and started at counselling.  Within 3 months she halfed her meds and then six months on finally stopped.  

    Everyone is different but if you can remember that you only get what you put in, this may be a good start.  Recovery can be slow but remember that there is hope and a good counsellor will help you understand the whole process and what you are going through.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  You may come out of the tunnell a totally new person and it will take some getting used to.  

  4. Find a GOOD psychiatric Soicial Worker to help you work through this!!  They are trained to deal with the social and psychological aspects of our lives!!!  I did, after a number of years' work with psychologists.  She helped me develop a very positive life!!!

  5. Hello Will. I am 46 years old and have suffered from bi-polar disorder since I was 10 years old. I have been on disability because of this disorder and consider myself somewhat of an expert of depression and mania. Drugs are certainly a large part of therapy for depression but I have found that, unless you are suicidal, drugs are not necessarily the answer. I agree whole heartedly with the other person that recommended therapy with a counselor or therapist that you feel comfortable with. I have had great success this way whereas the drugs did nothing for me but turn me into a blithering idiot. Most times, one drug becomes neutral in your system and then the doctor has to prescribe  additional doses of something else or increase doses of the same medication. I have been drug free now for 5 years and have felt mostly "normal" for that entire time. My secret? Well, it starts with therapy, realizing that only you can heal yourself. Also, a good diet of clean eating; cut back on sugars, fats, processed foods, white or enriched flours and eat more raw or steamed vegetables, small amounts of fruits, whole grains and good lean meats. Next, get moving! I have started a work out routine 5 days a week and feel great! The endorphins produced by your body are a natural source of antidepressant! Go to a gym and work out with other people or work out with friends. Have you ever watched people work out? They are usually pretty happy. Above all, I recommend seeing a therapist you FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH! That person will help you more than a doctor or drugs.

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