
Why is it harder to breathe in high altitudes?

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Why is it harder to breathe in high altitudes?




  1. there is less air.

  2. Chiefly, because the pressure is lower and there is less oxygen per unit volume.

    The highest mountain on which I have been was Pike's Peak outside of Colorado Springs, CO.  At 14,100 I was having some interesting feelings, let me tell you!!

  3. the air is thinner.

  4. The oxygen is spaced farther apart so you breath in less per breath than at lower altitudes

  5. The pressure is lower and the air is thinner.

  6. amount of air drops as you ascend..

  7. Simply put.  The air is lighter and the body requires a specific amount of oxygen to breathe freely.   It is like you body is working harder to do the same job that it would at normal altitudes.

  8. When we breathe, diafragm muscle makes room for air, actually, air is pushed by atmospheric pressure, we have more control by expelling air, than taking air in. Normally, lungs are expanded when we let them do so.

    The higher we climb, the less air pressure thre is, so less air comes into the lungs, (and less oxigen)111

  9. thats because on high altitude the air pressure dense become lower, the temperature also become lower..

    so the body become shocked by the cold of low temperature... and actually the harder way to breathe is a body mechanism to be adapted with this cold environment. so you needn't worry about this.

    Everyone breathes faster and deeper (hyperventilates) at high altitude – it is necessary to do this in order to survive. The function of the lungs is to expose blood to fresh air, and breathing faster essentially increases the flow of fresh air past the blood. This means that whenever an oxygen molecule is taken away by the blood, it is quickly replaced by a fresh one. This means that there is always more oxygen available to be taken up into the blood.

  10. less oxygen and i think also less pressure

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