
Why is it human nature for people to like attractive people more than ugly people?

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Why is it human nature for people to like attractive people more than ugly people?




  1. Is it human nature or have YOU been conditioned into thinking that by T.V film and magazines?

  2. We are all different, some see people as attractive, whereas others dont think so, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, dont you ever look at a couple, and say "what the heck do they see in one another"well thats because, they find each other attractive,see.

  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Someone you meet may not be all that to you at first, but once you get to know them and their personality then they can become the most attractive person in the world.

  4. Just as the word implies. attractive people are attractive. anything attractive is appreciated - cute puppies, babies, flowers, cars e.t.c

  5. I don't think it's human nature, because when I was young, I treated everyone as 'equal.'

    I think it depends on the person. I've been like that ever since I was a kid.

    Most children would make fun of the big girls or boys who were fat. Some of them went as far as making racist remarks. Me on the other hand, whenever I'd see this happen, I would make an attempt to talk to kids who were outcasted (based on their appearance/the fact that they were bullied), and I'd befriend them..

    I think it REALLY depends on a the person/their personality. Some people just see things from a different perspective, and don't naturally follow the crowd.. They're independpent thinkers.

  6. It is a genetic imperative. People we perceive as good looking are healthier. Healthier people have a better chance of surviving to breed.

  7. Because what we find attractive is indicative of what makes a good provider or what makes a good a woman who looks younger and has a small waist and decent hips looks like she'll bear healthy babies....signs of youth inclusde large far apart eyes, and clear skin...fuller lips etc. In a man we go for the man who looks like he'll be able to fight his corner or who is intelligent. Were very annimalistic still in that way.

  8. I think it is something to do with the fact that attractive people have better symmetry to their faces.  The more symmetrical a face, the more people tend to be attracted to it.  This has even been proven with tiny babies...showing them two pictures to look at....they always go for the 'attractive' face and stare at that one more....although I doubt very much if a baby has any opinions on what is attractive and what is not attractive, but his/her inbuilt instinct is to appreciate symmetry.

  9. There is someone out there for all of us - ugly and attractive.  We gravitate towards people who will be attracted to us, in the same way as we are attracted to them.  Attractive people with attractive people and ugly people with ugly people.  However, there are exceptions to this rule and it is usually linked to wealth.

  10. All beauty attracts us.  It's human  nature.  Why? Because we are made that way. A beautiful scene at the coast, falls and a river, a sunset, a beautiful painting, music--all attract us.

    Also, as pointed out above, beauty is a sign of health, so it is a way of choosing a mate.

    As for ugly people.  Is it "fair" for them to be left out of the perks of being good looking? No.  If you want to know why, you'll have to ask God, but He may not answer for a while!

  11. Well, people seem to look more attractive or less attractive once you get to know them.

  12. the clue is in the word 'attractive'.

  13. Yep. Survival of the species. So they say. But when you look at it, you don't have to be attractive to be healthy.

    Ok, there are some pretty dismal looking people out there who most of us wouldn't touch with a barge pole but personally, though i like to ogle attactive men, i don't go for the looks when it comes to relationships. The way i feel about someone matters much more than how they look. And besides, how many attracive people love themselves more than they can love anyone else?

  14. For some of the more thoughtful people, it is because we might consider that the pretty one generally takes better care of herself. In some instances, ugly people are that way because of their mistakes, but when it isn't their fault, I pity them.

    Other reasons regard some of the bigger jerks in the world, generally seeking one thing from an individual of the opposite gender. Out of fairness to those who aren't, they just don't see the bigger picture.

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