
Why is it human nature to be so territorial?

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Why isn't human nature more free and open without borders and fences, and without fear of trespassers?

Why isn't human nature to be more naturally respectful of each other's space?




  1. Probably an extention of basic animal instincts. Animals will fight for territory. Humans just have worse ways to fight.

  2. It has to be territorial for early man was having limited means of travelling to a limited amount of distances.

    If the man could have taken the Flight (instead of being pedistrian) then things would have been different, so would have been the human nature!

    Since the land that we walk on does not belong to us, as it all belongs to the All-creator, even nothing belongs to us for that matter.

    We are only its keepers; and keepers can be replaced very conveniently by other keepers. So whatever is in our keeping we safeguard it in our keeping as nothing blongs to us, in the entire universe.

    Humans are naturally selfish being. It is our self interest that is the driving force in all the matters.

    The day many among us learn to overcome our selfishness, the same day we start respecting the others from differnet beliefs, clans, races, and even from other territories.

    Those who reaches selflessness are lest afraid of borders, boundaries, fences, are fearless of trespassings, are and more humble.

    This is about cleansing one's soul, but that gets religious anyway.

  3. We evolved in a very competitive environment. Allowing other members of our species to move into our territories ment less food for us and increased competition for mates. By defending territory we keep our mates, offspring and food sources safe from others. Individuals who were more aggressive in defending had a better chance of surviving that those who were more passive and allowed others into their territories. In any environment there will always be someone who benefits from the passiveness of others. Those who benefit from being aggressive will have a higher chance of reproductive success meaning there "aggressive" and "territorial" genes will be passed down.

  4. For one it's survival, and natural instinct,to protect and mate so to speak..The want ,wish and need to have for survival and peace of mind of safety,not to live in fear,but be happy...

  5. Being territorial is a survival  instinct. You have to protect your food sources and your women, family.

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