
Why is it illegal???????????

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Why is it illegal to have reptiles in the city of Detroit?? I am just curious!!lol




  1. Because if those Reptiles get to big for their Owners and they set them free those animals could get hurt or die. Since they don't know how to life in the wild.

    Also, reptiles are not suitable for a pet in most cases, because they are dieing out and are almost extinct.

  2. Because a lot of abuse and abandonment cases happen there and they are normally not suited to live in a home.

  3. a lot of places outlaw reptiles and other exotic pets such as ferrets in california because of the possibilite of introducing the animal in to the wild and it succesfully living and thriving. These animals may then mate with other animals of the same type, and before you know it, you have a thriving breeding population. This could seriously jepordize native species

    EDIT: OK, SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, WHY DO YOU GO THROUGH AND JUST RANDOMLY THUMBS DOWN! The answers on here have been decent, for the most part. Why do they deserve a thumbs down?!? If we are wrong, why don't you post and say why

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