
Why is it illegal to carry two driver's licenses at the same time?

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New York: I still have my three other licenses that are not expired yet (after I passed my road test I had a limited driver's license for 2 weeks, then my class DJ and finally my class D). Sometimes I'll leave one license in the car and carry the other one in my wallet- so i'll be driving with two licenses. Why is that illegal?




  1. Yes it is illegal to do this, one license per person.....

    You re required by law to give them the old one or destroy it.

    Federal charges can apply for this under anti-terrorism laws.

  2. For a couple reasons at least:

    1 - with 2 or more licenses, it is possible to have points on each that, if on one license alone, would cause a suspension.  

    A driver could have multiple speeding tickets, DWI's, etc but keep from losing his license that way.

    2 - There is the fear that a person is using 2 or more identities at the same time - identity theft, terrorism suspicion, etc.

    I'm sure there are others as well.

  3. It might not be illegal in your specific case because all your licenses are from the same state. All your prior licenses although "not expired" are rendered invalid by the new(er) license. It would probably become a problem let's say if you had a CDL class license, got pulled over and showed one of your other (non-CDL) licenses in it's place. Then it wouldn't match your DMV records when the officer pulled it up on his computer. That's when the nice policeman will invite you into his world until he gets the info he/she needs (cops hate not having the info they need to do their jobs).

    Another thing to consider, if someone breaks into your vehicle, they now have your personal info. If you insist on keeping ONE as a spare if you lose it, (I understand that you can't always get to the DMV when you want to) keep the most recent one in a safe place, NOT IN THE CAR.

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