
Why is it illegal to disappear and change your name and never tell anyone in your life what you are doing ?

by  |  earlier

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I have seen many cases in the news where people have disappeared and changed their name because they didn't want to be found by anyone that knew them. When they were found they were arrested and prosecuted and received jail time. Why is disappearing and changing your name illegal if you aren't a wanted criminal and you haven't done anything against the law ?




  1. You can call yourself any name you choose - as long as you are not doing it because you are guilty of a crime under your a "real" name...and you can disappear if you choose...but if you have children you are responsible for supporting them.  Bottom line is if you are just plain sick of the people who surround you and you do not owe child support, or are hiding because you have committed a crime, go for it !  It is NOT against the law.

  2. mad world.

  3. Hahaha, another example of how retarded the world is getting.

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