
Why is it illegal to koria,iran and iraq to have Nukes while israel already have ones?

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despite anything,where is justice?

maybe iraq were a threat to USA because they "have" Nukes that was the reason that USA occubied Iraq for.. and then USA will occuby iran for thinking of making nukes.

what about israel " that everybody knows they have it"? doesnt that make a threat to arabs?

doesnt that make arabs have the right to occuby israel as well?




  1. I strongly disagree with you.The judgement that you make is quite unfair,and what you care is just about the global benefits of America and how to be in control of the globe.You know,America's looked on as a very devil nation in the eyes of many people throughout the world.World will still go well even without the existence of theU.S.A.Please don't always listen to the false reports made by Pentagon or propoganda by your press.Never make judgements before you actually know something well.

  2. Israel is not a threat to surrounding countries and the world.  They are not motivated religously or greedily.  Nukes would be an absolute last result for Israel.  However, Iran and the others you mentioned support terrorists and pose regional threats.

    It is not an issue of fairness, but of trust, and Iran and Korea cannot be trusted.

  3. If you can't tell the difference between the leaders of Iran and Korea, and the leaders of the rest of world, you have some work to do.

  4. Because Israel do NOT want to explode one in the USA.

  5. India has asked "all concerned governments", the US and Israel included, to exercise restraint, and to choose negotiations and diplomacy over use of military force against Iran.

    Looks like Opposition by government started already.

  6. The support of terrorist organizations around the world and threatening language is why Iran must be prevented from ever getting nuclear weapons.  The threat from Saddam is gone, and hopefully North Korea does not rearm.  Is their a double standard, yes.  Israel should present to the world their arms and be encouraged to disarm.  It is only fair.

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