
Why is it illegal to wear a President Bush mask into a bank? Is he really hated that much...?

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is he really hated so much that we're not even allowed to wear masks which bear his resemblance?




  1. Heyy...  what the heck??  Go for it.  They'll all get a big yuck out of it.  You'll be a hero!

  2.   Because he has a doofy face and nobody will take you seriously

  3. I wonder if you could as long as it was on the back of your head?

  4. It's not illegal - it's just bank policy not to cover your face.  Security and all.

    .....O I C whut u did thar.  You used your question to make a pointed political statement!  :)  I tend to agree, but overdone.

  5. No its because wearing a mask in a bank is always illegal. I doubt you come in in a ski mask just to get a checking account opened.

  6. I believe it's illegal to wear any mask into a bank. You can't obscure your face.

  7. I nominate this question for "Idiot of the week", for reasons quite civilly explained in the first two responses.  

  8. Darn... I bought a Bush mask at a yard sale for 25 cents!

    Now I can't wear it!  LOL!

  9. wearing ANY mask in a bank is illegal. It pegs you immediately as a potential robber and danger to the people there. It has nothing to do with politics or what type of mask you are wearing (though I think a Barney mask would likely draw immediate gun fire...).

  10. No. Because they are aware the U.S. hasn't been attacked since 9/11which is why they are still free to be in business, because of President Bush. It's illegal to wear a Bill Clinton mask for letting bin laden go THREE TIMES

  11. Ever seen the movie Point Break?

    Wearing any type of mask into a bank gives the impression you are there to commit a robbery. It's also the same reason you can't wear hoods in certain banks, sunglasses, or anything else that may conceal your face from the cameras.

    If people hated the president that much they wouldn't bother making the masks in the first place.

  12. it's not illegal just too dangerous...

  13. shut up bush was one of the best presidents and you cant wear any mask in a bank

  14. BECAUSE....p. bush is secretly a famous rappa in the bank biznuz n he just pwnin all the bank clerks up in ther. That's y.

  15. its all because of point break

    d**n keanu

  16. John B is right, you can't go into a bank in disguise.  In Knoxville, TN, for the 2004 election, someone wore a Bush mask into the voting booth (or tried to at least...).  They were arrested for that.

  17. Yeah, cant wear a mask in a bank. Doesnt it seem obvious?

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