
Why is it illegal to wear a headscarf in an University in Turkey?

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Is it illegal to pious/religious? :/

Or is it Turkish don't like muslim ladies? :/

Looks abit sneaky way to keep pious muslim ladies out of uni....




  1. Turkey has laws restricting the wearing of religious attire in public. This is why the Iranian government exiled Ayatollah Khomeini to Turkey. He was forbidden to wear the turk and cload of a Muslim scholar which was an integral part of his identity. Turks also use Latin script instead of Arabic script. These are among the many changes brought about by the Ataturk Revolution of the early 20th Century. Something Reza Khan (latter Pahlavi) attempted to institute in Iran with only limited success.

  2. The answer is 'NONE OF THE ABOVE'. Turkey is a secular nation and most Turks proud of it! If women wore the headscarf simply as a headscarf because they were pious Muslims it wouldn't be a problem but they don't! They wear them as a political statement against the secular state. This will not do!pboy

  3. Cause they obviously

    get a thrill out of achieving

    such low numbers in

    human development each


    It is a a shame to see over 1/2

    of the female population

    uneducated and unemployed

    in Turkey which this has to be

    heavily contributing to

    their very high poverty levels.

    This is nothing more than

    ignorance and discrimination

    by a government unto its people.

    Sickening isn't it?

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