
Why is it important for a school to have a SunSmart policy?

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  1. Definition

    SunSmart is a program organized by the Cancer Council of Victoria to reduce the incidence of skin damage and skin cancer. Ultra-violet (UV) radiation is part of the sun’s light which burns and damages the skin. Most children and adults can be sunburned after only ten minutes exposure to the sun, particularly at times when the UV radiation levels are highest, i.e. 10.00 am - 2.00 p.m. (11.00am – 3.00pm Daylight Savings). UV radiation increases sharply from October reaches its peak in January and decreases during March.


    Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. It is estimated that more than 75% of all skin cancers could be prevented by practising sun protection in early childhood and adolescence. Current estimates indicate that two out of every three Australians will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime.

    This SunSmart Policy has been developed to ensure that all students and staff at Mount Lilydale Mercy College are protected from over-exposure to the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. This policy documents our sun protection practices in the areas of behaviour, organisation, curriculum and environment. These practices will be applied to all school activities including sports carnivals, excursions and camps. It will be implemented throughout Term 1 and Term 4

    Aim and objectives

    The goals of the SunSmart Policy are to:

    • Increase student and community awareness of skin cancer;

    • Assist students to develop strategies which encourage responsible decision making;

    • Work towards a safe school environment which provides shade for staff and students;

    • Encourage students, parents and staff to wear protective clothing, hats, and sunscreen during high risk times such as lunch times, sports carnivals, excursions and camps;

    • Ensure that parents are informed of the College’s Sun Smart Policy.



    Students and staff are encouraged to:

    • wear sun protective hats that shade the face, neck and ears during recess, lunchtime and during sporting and other high-risk activities;

    • wear Cancer Council approved sun glasses during recess, lunchtime, when travelling home and during sporting and other high-risk activities;

    • wear clothing, with collars, made of closely woven fibre;

    • apply SPF 15-30 broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen before all outdoor activities and re-applied every two hours.


    • A SunSmart hat is included as part of the school uniform. Hats that can be identified with Houses are provided. Students who refuse to wear the appropriate hats will not be permitted to play or relax in the open. (No hat, no play policy!)

    • Students are encouraged to wear Cancer Council approved sunglasses when outside.

    • Outdoor assemblies, liturgies and gatherings will be held early in the morning, in Centennial Hall, in the Multi Purpose Gymnasium/Hall, in a shaded area or at night;

    • All students are to be protected from the sun during outdoor physical education and sport classes. Maximum use will be made of the gymnasiums and shaded areas. Students will be

    expected to apply sunscreen and, where appropriate, wear hats and sunglasses. Failure to do so will result in a uniform infringement;

    • Suitable hats, clothing and sunscreen will be required for all camps and excursions. These items will be listed on the parent permission form;

    • Teachers and parents will reinforce this policy by modelling appropriate behaviour;

    • Physical education staff, sport teachers, teachers on yard duty and grounds and maintenance staff should take appropriate sun protection measures.

    • The College will subsidize the purchase of suitable ‘sun smart’ hats for staff.


    • The Physical Education curriculum highlights the dangers of exposure to the sun and provides guidelines for minimizing these dangers. Particular courses with such content include the compulsory PE/Health unit. All Year 7 PE students are introduced to SunSmart procedures at the beginning of the year;

    • Students will be actively involved in initiatives to protect the school community from over-exposure to the sun – this includes Horticulture tree planning, creation of anti cancer posters and the school prefects raising awareness though the Weekly News;

    • Sun protection will be promoted throughout the year via the Weekly News, assemblies, P.A, parent and staff meetings and whole school activities.


    • The College will ensure there is adequate provision of shade within the school grounds for student and staff (e.g. undercroft, native garden, common room, quadrangle, foyers, trees etc.);

    • The College will endeavour to increase the number of sheltered areas with new buildings and structures as funds become available;

    • Students and staff will be encouraged to take appropriate measures at the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals (students will not be permitted to sunbathe at these events);

    • Temporary shade measures may be used as a short term measure (e.g. Carnivals);

    • The canteens are both undercover.


    The Sport Faculty Leader, First Aid Supervisor and Deputy Principal – Director of Staff will ensure that:

    • All new staff have been briefed on the SunSmart Policy;

    • The SunSmart Policy is included as an agenda item for the first Staff meeting in term 1 and term 4;

    • The SunSmart Policy is included in the Staff Handbook, placed on the college WebPage and an extract is included in the Student Planner;

    • Sunscreen is to be included on the school booklist;

    • SunSmart practices are promoted regularly from September/October through to April/May;

    • The Cancer Council is periodically contacted to ensure that information is up to date.

    Sport and Physical Education on hot days

    Clearly there is a danger of exercise in extreme heat and the P.E and Sport staff have developed the following guidelines:

    • As the temperature climbs above 30 degrees the amount of outdoor physical activity decreases until all outdoor activity ceases at 35 degrees. As the temperature increases the degree of physical exertion required for activities will decrease.

    • In temperatures above 30 degrees the amount of time spent in the sun is also limited.

    • Students must bring approved hats and sunscreens to all Physical Education and Sport classes, we also encourage all students to bring full water bottles and drink as required.


    • The Deputy Principal - Director of Staff, First Aid Supervisor and Director of Sport, in collaboration with the College Prefects, will review the policy each year. They will;

    • Review the Sun Smart behaviour of students, staff, parents and guests visiting the College;

    • Assess the provision of shade in the College;

    • Assess the use of shade by students and staff;

    • Check plans for future buildings and grounds with regard to shade provisions;

    • Evaluate and update this policy.

    Policy Development and Review

    This policy was developed by the SunSmart Committee in 2004. It has been developed in accordance with the guidelines published by the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria (October 1998) and updated in 2005 to include the introduction of approved hats as part of the College uniform. It was made available for staff consultation in 2004 and was reviewed in 2005. It will reviewed in the light of updates from the Cancer Council and no later than 2010.

    HOpe that helped.

    However  u said homework, u've  started school?

  2. so the kids in the school don't turn red raw, telling their mothers, and mothers sueing the school for everything

  3. it keeps things in motion

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