
Why is it important for farmers and ranchers to take an active role in the political process?

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Please give me your opinions in the matter. Be as specific as possible. Anyone can answer. Thank you.




  1. Farming is most neglected profession and entering into politics needed for active voice.

  2. Farmers and Ranchers take an active role in politics every day for many reasons. It helps them have a say on legislative issues that affect their way of life.

    Every day in the House and Senate people are trying to pass bills that negatively affect Ag producers.

    Examples of this would be

    A recent change in the trucking industry that would force farmers to get CDL's to haul anything over 2,000 pounds. This equates to pulling a horse trailer.

    Ag producers don't just get involved in politics to get their "Government Check".

    Many producers belong to organizations where they give 1$ per head per year to support an association that provides lobbyist to help the industry out.

    This also gives unity to an every changing industry!

    Ag producers are the only people that buy at the retail price and sell at the whole sale price!!!!!

  3. I believe it important for one main reason. The reason being is that farmers , ranchers , and agriculture have almost never been at the top of government importance. its because of that Ag in general must keep a active role in government otherwise they wont get there say in anything. And it this way for one reason. The reason is most people don't take the time to think where their food comes and its because of that Ag must keep active other wise it will become a after thought in the government.

  4. If they don't clueless people, that bite the hand that feeds them, including politicians will starve us all.  A large part of out industry has already been sent overseas by poor legislation. do we really want people who see the educated farmer as the stupid fool that roots in the dirt like some kind of sub human animal, to wright laws that could make or break the farm?

    People who probably have never grown a bean, or ear of corn in there life?

    Its easy to complain about a farmer getting a break, when your popping bon-bons and sipping on a cold on. but when your belly's empty, what are you going to complain about then?

    PS after reading that, i feel i should clarify.

    that last statement was not aimed at the questioner

  5. To receive price supports, land redistribution in some countries, and to defend their interests in general

  6. There is a concept of the wisdom of large numbers. It is the basis of democracy. But it only works if many  people from all walks of life participate, both offering their opinions, changing their minds, and making informed choices.

    Many of the decisions a democracy will make will be wrong. More of them will be wrong if we tune out.

    Being involved to support  a political party is not nearly as important as being involved to keep our parties somewhat in tune with our needs and values. It is as important to us to have fellow farmers at work in the other party as it is to have our party win in elections. We want to make sure that we encourage our fellow farmers to be involved in all parties.

    And it is not just farmers we should encourage. We need to encourage good people of all walks of life to be involved. Democracy fails if it gets far too many wrong decisions, contempt instead of participation.

  7. So they will continue to receive their farm welfare money (government price supports for farm products) and reduced property taxes for their land.

  8. If they did not get active, they would be losing a big battle, they would be in the poor house and end up not feeding all of us pigs as americans, we go through so much food and we are populating too fast, Where I am at we are tearing up so much farm land that supports animal feed as well as produce, its sad.

  9. to become aware of who is payin ur check for crops

  10. the industrialists form a very powerful lobby in most modern states. they grab all the benefits, though nobody calls them 'subsidies'. when benefits are granted to farmers, then all the international publicists raise a hue and cry, but everyone ignores tax concessions, tariff concessions, etc., granted to industry.

    modern governments are sensitive to political processes. hence to safeguard their interests, as well as to maintain agricultural production, especially of food grains, it is a matter of self-defence and survival for farmers to become politically active.

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