
Why is it important for fathers to maintain the traditional role as protectors of their family?

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Why is it important for fathers to maintain the traditional role as protectors of their family?




  1. They don't, have you heard about the divorce problems, spousal abuse, that is not protection

  2. It isn't.

  3. Its not important. Just look at how lovely a job all the single mother parents are doing. Higher rates of children growing up as criminals, teen pregnancy, drug addicts.

    Yes its not important if you are a feminist and its not important if you dont care for kids and families.

  4. 1. They were socialized that way

    2. They are biologically that way

  5. Because we are typecast as protectors.

  6. nature.

  7. Because nobody likes to see pieces of their personal and social identity erased.

  8. It is important because girls who have fathers who love and support them wind up as decent members of society. Girls with daddy issues wind up dancing on poles or making X-rated films.

  9. It's a fundamental need of society to be protected, and frankly, someone's got to do it. So it is embedded in us all. However, it is more prominent in men to desire to be the physical protectors of the family. The reasons for this vary from social instruction to raw testosterone. From early ages, boys usually show stronger signs of developing combative natures. It's not a bad thing, 'cause like I said, somebody has to. Also, historically, if women placed themselves in danger the human race would be in far greater jeopardy. We can afford to lose some men, but women bear the children.

  10. I don't think it is, which is why I am for financial abortion and the end of mandatory child support. For a group that wants to end the role of males providing, they sure do latch on and love tradition when it keeps them from taking full responsibility for their right of reproduction. By controlling life, women have the obligation of being the primary caregiver.

  11. why would u ask that??????????

  12. It is tradition, but very outdated.

    Can you imagine just the opposite role pattern ?  The wife being in charge, being the main breadwinner and protecting her family (husband and children), with a SAHD, doing the housework and raising the children ?

    If we are equals, it should not be out of discussion.

  13. Providing for one's family has been generally considered the defining factor of masculinity. Remove this and some men feel like they have no purpose. Therefore, now that women are increasingly less interested in being taken care of by their mates, it's time to give masculinity a new centre.

  14. Men provide for their families.  It's what they do.  They may work out with their wives what it means to protect/provide for them, their wives may or may not work for pay, and their wives may or may not "submit" to them, but psychologically their happier if they can protect the ones they love most.  Our kids are grown and on their own, and my husband is thrilled with them and the job WE'VE done raising them.  I tell him every so often what a truly great man he is.  And this truly great man purrs like a kitten.

  15. Because men have that DNA ingrained into them through evolution.  It will pass as we slowly move away from the typical gender/s*x roles and become more hybrid as far as roles are.  And we may also gain new roles, switch some roles, and keep some roles.  It's all a result of our environment, culture, adaptation process, and part of the evolutionary (both physical and socio-cultural) process.

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