
Why is it important for students to learn a second language? answer in spanish if possible.?

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this is my homework for spanish 3 honors.

we have to write 2 paragraphs in spanish about why its important.

i don't know what to write.

i only take spanish for the credits.




  1. Es importante que un estudiante aprenda una segunda idioma para poder obtener exito en cualquier carera que escoja.  El saber otra idioma abre puertas a otras culturas, otros paises, en fin, mas conocimiento mundial.

  2. for all the mexicans?  sorry don't know how to make that into 2 paragraphs.

  3. Spanish is important so you can speak to illegal immigrants.

    Seriously though, they are probably looking for some kind of answer where you talk about what a growing language it is in the US.  The importance of learning another language.  How many people around the world speak it etc.

    You could mention that 330 million people speak Spanish around the world.  Many of those people are located in Central America which is right on our doorstep.

    But writing it in Spanish is YOUR homework :P

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