
Why is it important in the retail industry to say goodbye to customers?

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why is it important in the retail industry to say goodbye to customers? this is a question my daughter is asking she's doing a business course at college.

we given her a few answers but i thought i'd see if you could think of any really good ones




  1. well they really like saying hallo better,  but feel a bit of civility and politeness might  influence a shopper to call again. Saying like  " thanks for calling and shopping here.  it was our pleasure to assist you.  Have a good journey home and please call again soon"   That sort of thing.  to create an ambience between store and customer.  Turn a casual into a regular.

  2. Retailer needs to optimise their profits for which they upgrade their customers all the time . Meaning create ways and means to make customer buy more and buy at higher margins to the store. They also need to change their mechandise mix accordingly. This could result in loosing some customers in short term.

  3. Retail stores have two products, firstly the actual physical product on sale and secondly the 'customer service' or 'experience'.

    In an environment where many retailers are all selling the same physical product then the customer experience is the only area where they can achieve competitive advantage. Consequently they have to make the most of every 'touch point' with the customer. Hence the need to be polite, friendly and personal at all times.

    Saying goodbye also gives the customer a sense of closure. If the cashier suddenly ignored me after taking my money I would leave store with a sense that my experience was 'incomplete', not to mention indignant at such rude service!

  4. Make you feel guilty for leaving and if you needed that type of service again, you would return to them.

  5. Because being polite goes a long way

  6. Everyone likes to be acknowledged and appreciated.  Saying Hello and Goodbye lets that person know that you saw them, appreciated there time and business as well as yours. Sort of like waving to a person and having them wave back. It gives one a sense of happiness and communication.

  7. Just being polite in general will make them want to come back again.

  8. I took your question to mean, "when do you 'fire' customers?"--not literally saying "goodbye" to exiting customers.

    If that's what you meant, then there are many good reasons:

    • They are costing you more money than they make you, in employee time, returns, etc.

    • They are hurting the morale of your loyal employees

    • They constantly threaten to take away their business (sometimes it's best just to let them go elsewhere)

    • They have other activities you don't want to be associated with (e.g. if you had an advertising client that suddenly started selling cigarettes or using sweatshops, and you didn't want to facilitate that)

    But maybe that's not what you meant.

  9. hmm...tell your daughter she's closer to a bigger truth than she thinks..due to the rising gas prices and with all other things rising in tandem, retail is already saying a "final" goodbye to a lot of people...we've reduced our shopping probibly 75% in just the past few months.Many of our friends and relatives have cut back severely on retail shopping and some of our stores have said that many people are doing it now,and they're hurting. We've cut our food bill by more than half by cutting out the frills..just the basics from now on...But more to your point, it's just the polite thing to say......sad to say  Im afraid many retail stores are headed toward some record breaking bad times, so the nicer they are to the customer the better the chance the customer will return.

  10. To create an air of friendliness, and to make you feel like someone there appreciates your existence.

    If you are talking about a door greeter, they generally say good bye just to be friendly, but their main job is to watch for shoplifters going out of the door.

    If you mean a cashier... They generally say   Thank You  .. Have a Good Day ..bye bye ..or some courtesy to end up the transaction and keep the line moving.

  11. working as a shop assistant in a retail store.and dealing with customers is very have to be polite and pleasant with them at all times.that way they usually come back to your store cos they remember the service they far as it goes about saying goodbye...well after they purchase watever it is we usually say have a nice day, goodbye see you soon or something to that affect.its just basically being friendly that matters.also if they dont purchase anything you have to be polite and tell them bye,see you again.

    wud u like to go to a shop where u r treated coldly or badly?no one wants that.if you are friendly with your customers the come back and u build a good relationship with them when it comes to selling stuff.u convince them better and they take your advice about wat might or might not look good.

    hope that helps

    best of luk to your daughter

  12. Courtesy.  It feels discourteous if someone can't be bothered to say goodbye, puts a little negative feeling into the customer's mind.

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