
Why is it important that all memebers of the adult team in a pre school setting share responsabilaties?

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Why is it important that all memebers of the adult team in a pre school setting share responsabilaties?




  1. All members of the adult team have a common goal.  That is, to educate the children.  Adult members have the knowledge that makes the setting a more positive environment for the children.  Therefore, it is important that the adult team members share responsibilities that entail the planning and implementing of this common goal.  Effective communication between the members will create a positive and nourishing environment for the children and the staff.  Parents will be happy to come into the environment and feel the warmth and organization their children are exposed to.

  2. What is it you are doing? NVQ in child care?

    So its equal for the staff and the kids can learn through your actions i would say.

  3. So there is no evading work

  4. As director of a small child care program, I feel it is important for all staff to share responsibilities for many reasons:  so that the more mundane tasks are not unfairly put on the lowest paid and least experienced workers or the ones who have been there the longest and know the routine better; so that all know how to do everything well since there are staff absenses due to illness, leaves, emergencies, turnover; the least experienced workers should have the opportunity to learn new things and improve themselves; the more experienced workers should not have to feel as if they are always telling the others what to do - people need to have initiative to do what is needed without being told; all staff have their special interests and gifts that they can give to the program and should be encouraged to do so.   I have had  problems in the past with staff who think they need to be told what to do instead of taking initiative, thus standing around doing nothing when there are so many things to do that are obvious to me.  I now make it clear in the interview process that working in childcare is a collaborative effort, and I expect for my staff to learn all the responsibilities and to participate fully.  We require our staff to set goals for themselves and have staff evaluations (self and with me and the parents). It is like a family - where everyone needs to pitch in and help each other.  We may not be equals in pay - but are in our interactions with the children and with basic housekeeping tasks.  And with experience and education, our staff can look forward to earning more after successful staff reviews.

  5. So that everyone is pulling weight an one person does not feel as though they are being put on by everyone else

  6. It is important that all members of the adult team share responsibility because;

    A) their are too many jobs for one person to do alone

    B)you are a team and share the care of the children and therefore the jobs

    C)no one person sees all that happens in a room full of children and all the children need to be monitoredand observed for record keeping and safety.

  7. This helps you function as a team.  If you all share the same responsibilities, no one feels as if they are always the one doing the "dirty work".  At my center, the lead teacher has the same responsibilities as everyone else.  This keeps the associates from feeling as though they are always doing the "grunt work".  We rotate jobs weekly, so no one gets perpetually stuck doing something they don't like.  We set up the specific responsibilities that pertain to each job:

    -snack person: gets the morning snack prepared, gathers all necessary cups, paper plates, plastic utensils, washcloths, and gets all the diapers ready for the day.

    -lunch person: sets out lunches for the children, with their placemats and main food, and is the "waitress" for the week during lunch, getting the children anything they need as the other staff sit with the children.

    -clean up: this person cleans up from snack and lunch times, setting out the activities for the day after snack, and getting nap mats ready after lunch.

      By separating and sharing the responsibilities, it makes for a happier team.  Each person knows exactly what they are responsible for, and it helps the "flow" of the class, since each person knows what to do when.  We all share the responsiblity of taking kids potty, planning activities, and all help with paperwork such as assessments as well.  This keeps the load lighter for all staff (especially the lead teacher, for whom all the paperwork can get a little overwhelming).

  8. because

  9. I don't think that needs to be true.  If one person is doing a job well, why let some other fool take over that job at all?

  10. because everyone is responsible for that child education and wellbeing.The teacher teaches and the teacher aid helps to take care of the kids'bathroom and other needs. The Kitchen helpers and cooks make sure that a meal is give to all the kids. The director and directors aid  make sure the place is safe and health for the child to be in. Therefore they all share in the responsibilies but each doing a different job to make sure the child is taken care of.

  11. A blame culture is useless when the primary goal is to care for the children without one person bickering at another about someone not pulling their weight.

  12. Although I am a outspoken opponent to placing babies, and young children in any other setting then their home; I would say "because you have been given the awesome responsibility to care for the most precious VIPs I know; someones children".

  13. So the children have continuity of care. It allows each adult to know and understand the routine, activities, desired outcomes, and the childrens needs.

  14. because it is a team effort all have same aim might do things different sharing is caring

  15. Caregivers need to work as a team and share responsiblities. It becomes frustrating when only one staff is pulling the full weight.  I've been there.  Working with children is a very demanding job.  All staff must pull their weight for the room to run smoothly. Children often learn from the actions of the adults because they watch every little move they make.  You don't want the kids thinking its just one persons job to clean up.  You have to role model what you want the children to do. Work as a team and things get done faster.

  16. You should do your own homework. Your last few questions all sound like they come from some sort of coursework. You are never going to learn anything that way. What are you going to do, bring a lap top to your exam and ask everyone on here the answers?

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