
Why is it important that endergonic and exergonic reactions take place in living organisms?

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I have to admit this is for a homework assignment. I vaguely understand what exactly endergonic and exergonic reactions are... (we really haven't gone over this in class, and I can NOT find it in my text book, so.)

But... yeah. Why are they important?




  1. Well, at least you are honest that this is for your homework.

    Anyway, exergonic reactions are reactions that release heat. So if you by a warm pack from a grocery store (old fashion kind), you pop the inside bag, the contents mix together and you get heat. Breaking high energy bonds will produce the heat (look at the thermodynamic equations). For an endergonic reaction, you absorb heat. Again with the warm pack from a grocery store, they sell cold packs. This is another set of reactions in which you need heat energy to break the chemical bonds and hence you will feel the pack cold.

    This is important to the body because these types of reactions control the homeostasis or internal temperature of the body. Also if the temperature of the body greatly changes, then either one of these reactions will be used to compensate for the loss or gain in temperature.

    good luck.  

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