
Why is it important that the saddle on a horse is fitted correctly?

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Why is it important that the saddle on a horse is fitted correctly?




  1. The saddle must be fitted correctl - preferably by a qualified saddler - to ensure a comfortable fit for the horse.  All horses are a slightly different shape and it is vital that the saddle fits so that it does not cause any discomfort or even sores.

    Importantly, and quite often forgotten, the saddle should also fit the rider fairly well, after all if you are going to be sat in it for hours on end you want to be comfortable!

  2. because if its not,it may slip and make you fall,and also for the health and comfort of your steed.

  3. A saddle that doesn't fit can make a horse uncomfortable and can cause saddle galls. Improper saddle fit is the main cause of stubbornness, bucking, rearing, biting when saddled, or difficulty mounting. It can give your horse back pain and stiffness and it can eventually lead to lower leg lameness.

    Here are a few tips you can use to check the saddle you use on your own horse to make sure it is properly fitted.

    First, look at how the saddle fits your horse overall. Look from the side and from the back and try to determine if it conforms to the shape of the horse's back. Since some horses are fat and wide and some are skinny and narrow, and since some have straight backs and some have sway backs you absolutely must be sure to use a saddle that drapes over and wraps around the horse without pressing down too much in any one spot. In saddles, one size does not fit all.

    Next, look at the front of the saddle. It should be completely behind the shoulder blades. If it is too far forward it will hamper your horse's shoulder movement and this will probably cause head tossing and stumbling, and if not corrected could cause cinch sores or even scar tissue to form behind the shoulder blades. Then take a look at the pommel. There should be a big enough space under it so that you can put two or three fingers between it and the horse's withers.

    Then check the seat to be sure that it is setting level from side to side. And then look a the cantle. It should be level with, or just a bit higher than the pommel. Then check the panels under the saddle. They should touch the horse all the way from front to back as much as possible. Sometimes when you get into the saddle your weight will help the panels to snug up to the horse. Then look at the saddle skirt. It must not dig into the horse's hip bones.

    In general you should try to determine if your saddle is too narrow or too wide. Most problems come from using a saddle that is too narrow, but a too wide one will also cause harm. One good thing to remember is that if a saddle is too narrow it will keep trying to tilt back. If it is too wide it will tilt forward.

    The shape of a horse's back will change over time as it ages and gains or loses weight. A good saddle maker can often modify your saddle to respond to these gradual changes so that it keeps fitting right but sometimes you just might need to get a new saddle.

  4. its important because if it doesn't fit properly u could fall off because the saddle could very well slide. and u can cause rub marks which is very uncomfortable. so u must always make sure the saddle fits

  5. otherwise you fall off and the horse gets chaffed!

  6. Because coming off a race horse or any horse,it's not the fall that hurts it's the sudden stop.Saddles can slip any time so doing them up tightly will prevent them from slipping.

  7. If it is too tight, it can hurt the horse internally, and cause blisters.  If it is too lose, then it will slowly slide and make it really hard to ride. You have to be careful when putting on a saddle, because some horses like to "bloat" or make themselves bigger.

  8. An ill-fitting saddle will cause sores on your horse and discomfort, as well as behavioral problems.

  9. it is important because if it isnt on right it could be uncomfertable and while your riding the horse could buck you off. also the saddle would slide around and you could fall off

  10. How would you like wearing a helmet that wasn't the right size.

    You might be grumpy. You don't want your horse to be grumpy while you are riding.

  11. Imagine wearing a pack that weighs 100+ pounds. The frame of that pack is lopsided/pokes you everywhere it shouldn't, slips so that you are made to constantly adjust it (not that the horse will!)jabs you in the hip because it's too long, etc.

    You have to wear this pack quite often, while taking loooong hikes that make you sweat. You start to suffer very sore skin rubs that even go so far as to give you nerve damage and muscle atrophy. Instead of striding out you take little steps, because of the pain.

    No one around you speaks your language when  it comes to asking for help or saying what the problem is, so you try using body English.

    Finally, in painful frustration, you clobber the one who insists you wear it.

    'Nuf said....!

    Glad to see that you care enough about a horse's  comfort to ask a question that every horse owner/rider should care about. Finding the perfect fit can be a very daunting task - ultimately, though, the horse will thank you for your efforts.  Good question!   :)

  12. thats like saying why does it matter if your underwear fits correctly. only that a 100-300 lb weight is gonna be on it when you walk around.

    its unconfortable for the horse and you could be thrown

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