
Why is it important to be an informed voter?

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Why is it important to be an informed voter?




  1. For the same reason you should know the odds before you place a bet in poker.  If all you do is make a gut feeling choice you'll loose the farm!  And it seems that now a lot of Americans are loosing their homes as well as good paying jobs.

  2. Why is it important to be informed when you buy anything?  Obviously so that you can know what the issues are and then make the choice that best fits you as an individual.

  3. if you weren't an informed voter how would you come to the choice you make? Would you base it on a persons looks? On his party affiliation only? If he is black or white, male or female, young or old or the color of his hair? To listen to the candidates, to understand what they propose to do, what is their beliefs on taxes, health care, social security, the security of America, the borders & every other subject that is important to you. That is the only way you can execute your vote in an intelligent choice. You vote for the one that agrees with most of YOUR beliefs. As I am answering this question I am listening to the republican debate, trying to get a feel on who I think would be the best president. I have never voted a straight ticket in my voting life. No person is always right & no person is always wrong. No matter which party they belong to.

  4. So that you can weed through all the B.S. and spin to find a candidate that is willing to mean what they say and say what they mean... instead of another jack off that hires a "media consulting" firm to make whatever c**p they're feeding you palatable...

  5. So that we don't get another president like Bush.

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