
Why is it important to be careful when using terms such as challening and behaviours in dealing people dementi

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with dementia




  1. People who suffer such disorders probably have no real commitment in these terms. And perhaps when faced with such termonology they end up falling short of the goal, due to feeling of failure or lack of interest. Just an idea though not a professional opinion.

  2. Dementia can be reversible or irreversible which depends on the disease cause. Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. We must be very careful in using words that will challenge them because they will try to confabulate. If they can't overcome the challenge, they will be depressed and will cause suicidal ideation.

  3. The old saying "Words will never hurt me" is false. Words have power.

    By referring to someone as 'challenging' you set up a construct in your head where they are challenging *you*. Your perspective of the situation changes, to one in which you subconsciously think they are trying to behave in a way to annoy you, when honestly they cannot control the way they behave.

    To be honest, this is true in any situation, from adult with dementia to young children who are still new to the world and learning all of our many unspoken rules. To use negative vocabulary to define their behaviors basically assumes a negative intent, rather than a positive one.

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