
Why is it important to check your observations of children with others?

by Guest65448  |  earlier

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Why is it important to check your observations of children with others?




  1. -They may have information that can back your observation up!

    -Can check to make sure you haven't come across as biased and that your observation and evalutation match/link!

    -May see something that you've missed!

    -Sharing it with outside professionals and can support their learning eg: Sharing wth speech therapist or portage workeer means they know what child is up to at preschool and can offer suggestions on the next step.

    -Check observation with parents as they can offer suggestions eg: "yes ive noticed that at home we do this and that...."

  2. Because children can behave differently in other settings/environments, or with other people.

    What you have observed may have been influenced by a variety of factors, so comparing your observations with others who have contact with the child helps to provide a clear/whole picture of the child. This enables you to plan appropriately for the next steps in that childs development.

  3. sometimes it is depends what youve noticed, i think talk it over with someone first see if its something u should approach someone about, i once approached someone as i could see that there daughter had nits crawling in her hair, as a parent i would have wanted to know but they looked at me as if id said she was a prostitute or something and said no ur wrong sorry. thats why sometimes it maybe better 2 keep your mouth shut, but id speak 2 a friend first about the matter and see if they think u should talk 2 anyone else about it, hope that helps

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