
Why is it important to ensure your chain of command knows your location when off duty?

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Why is it important to ensure your chain of command knows your location when off duty?




  1. Because you are in the military and circumstances can change quickly. Letting them know where you are is better than missing a movement and being AWOL.

  2. so that you can get back to the Command in case of emergency recall.

  3. when in the military, you are government property, wheter you like to admit that or not.  they always need to know where you are 24/7, espically if there is an emergency and they need to contact you in case something happens, you never know.  also, it's for accountalbility reasons.  they like to know where you are so that they know that you're there, and you're safe and everything.  the military is huge on accountability, and they have a big reason to be!

  4. In case you're recalled, in case you make rank, in case someone in your family (parents, siblings, etc.) have an accident and need to get ahold of you.  You don't have to tell them for normal days off, but if you are on leave you have to give a location and contact number.  They'll have your contact information locally on the recall roster when you're local.

  5. So that you can be contacted in case of any type of emergencies.

  6. Because officers want to feel important.  It should never be a requirement since high ranking officials do not remember people lower then they are on the hierarchy.

  7. Accountability, for those they are responsible for

  8. You belong to the US Government.  (they own you)

  9. Wow.. I cant even believe you're asking that question. ..

    Are you even military? Dont sound like it. Especially after reading your other question.. Somehting isnt rigth with you...

    To put it simple. Because ... YOUR ARE OWNED.  They own your life untill you get out. If they dont know where you are.. you are considered UA. Why do you ask. Because they OWN YOU.

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