
Why is it important to follow the rules of society?

by Guest60586  |  earlier

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Why is it important to follow the rules of society?




  1. imagine the chaos if everyone lived by their own rules?

    basic rules are based upon moral reciprocity...

    "If I don't hurt you or your family, you won't hurt me or my family"

    Without that, you have anarchy...and you'd better have a GUN

  2. otherwise it would be pure chaos

  3. else the society thinks of you as a "mad" person .. well s***w the society

  4. It depends which rules your talking about. If your talking about LAWS then it's very important that you don't make a victim out of someone. But if you're talking about rules of propriety like always say excuse me after belch, then it's for the sake of presenting yourself with courtesy and consideration. Sometimes it's good to break the rules, especially when you can get away with it. Like for instance when your not suppose to be talking in class so instead you pass notes.

  5. it is important to follow the rules of society to know your place.

    humans need to fit into a group. Be that institution family or work, humans need to be a member of a group. Each group institutes it's own set of rules/norms. One of the largest groups (aside from humans)  is society (it's the umbrella of all smaller groups) has norms to follow so that things can run with out chaos. M.G. brought up a great example directing you towards Durkheim's amonie. With out rules there would be no order with out order there would be no groups with out that no memberships. therefore how would humans know their place?

  6. The question seems to be important one from the point of view of the society. The society can be constituted by rhe rules constituted by its people. The  rules are the base of any society which provide us to remain within certain circle to prevent us to go on the wrong path or direction. The rules provide us to remain happy,peace and progress,there is nothing else that one can wish for, nor would one be satisfied with anything else. Accordingly, as stated it is important to follow the rules of society. Thanks to the question for good question about our society.

  7. To keep a stabel blance in life.

  8. If you want to really impress some foklses, you could reference Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

    Although he believed that man is better and values himself more when in a state of 'nature' (as in, out of society, or alone), he also believed that this isn't practical.

    Men must cooperate to be sucessful.  We enter into a "social contract" to be part of society. Basically: In giving up our individual liberty to serve the common good, we actually be come more free.

    To further elaborate-- I could give gun control as an example. Statistics show (in freakishly high numbers and percentages) that your likeliness to be killed by a gun increases significantly when you own one.

    Although it is your personal liberty to chose whether or not to own a gun.. but if it were socially or lawfully unacceptable to own one and in order to be a part of society you'd have to give up that personal liberty...everyone would be more free. (as in, they would not have the worry or other related dangers of people owning guns).

    gun control is just one very specific example of the idea behind the social contract. You can apply the idea of the social contract-- giving up an individual liberty in exchange for the benefits of society-- to almost anything.

  9. why do we have rules? how are rules benificial to yourself?

    in social circles like schools there are some rules that just dont make scence

    you will understand if you just watch the movie The New Guy

  10. coz it's hard to be a outlaw and u don't wanna ever be a outcast.

  11. Without law there is chaos.

  12. coz such rules preserve peace, although some do not and requires resistance. ^_^

  13. Durkheim's theory of amomie.

  14. Because the rules are for everyone's benefit. If they weren't there, chaos would rule. Imagine trying to live in a place where there were no rules! (Of course, it's also important to follow them also so that you don't feel the repercussions put in place to enforce them!)

  15. the rules of society are  meant to keep people in place. to keep people from engaging in other things. to maintain stability and balance...

    then again, look at the world now. does not seem to be to stable or balanced at all...

  16. I guess that depends. Not everyone has to... The more fame and wealth you have, the more you can ignore the rules of society...

    The question asked why it is important to follow the rules of society; If you did not do so, the world would not follow your example and devolve into chaos and anarchy....

  17. if people didn't follow societys rules there would be chaos and anarchy. society would crumble and we would be little more than animals

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