
Why is it important to know the stages and sequences of physical development?

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in working with children




  1. that a serious question? If you have a child that displays a particular type of behavior, knowing that bit of information would help you to get a sense of whether this behavior is normal for that age or if he or she may need further testing

  2. Because one day you may have a child learning at a slower pace or something like that and by knowing these stages you can recognize symptoms,  and such for certain disabilities...really there are so many different reasons to know them all of which make sense and can even help you when you have your own me once you learn them you will be glad you did! It's all very interesting too! God Bless!

  3. It is important to be able to recognise the different stages and sequences of physical development ( as with all areas of development) as all children develop and learn at different rates but all follow the same sequences.

    Growth is an increase in size (height, weight, etc) and development is an increase in skills (abilities such as climbing, etc).

    Development is a continuous process (i.e. one skill lays the basis for the mastery of future skills) & development is also sequential (i.e. one skill can not develop until the previous skill is mastered).

    Physical development is the process by which children gain control of their muscles.

    Physical development is also grouped into 3 categories:

    - fine motor (manipulative skills using the fingers & wrists)  

    - gross motor (using whole limbs)

    - balance (hand/eye and foot/eye co-ordination & balance).

    Many play activities combine fine and gross manipulation and provide valuable practise in both of these.

    Activities which provide for the development of fine motor skills can include:

    Malleable materials (playdough, sand, clay)


    Board games

    Threading and peg-board

    Painting and Creative

    A Technology Area

    Using a Computer Keyboard


    It is important to support opportunties for children's physical exercise and gross motor activities as this helps the child to relieve tension & to feel good about themselves, as well as strengthening bones through exercise,  the child's balance and co-ordination is developed.

    Activities to promote gross motor skills can include:

    See saws

    Sit and ride toys



    Climbing frames




    Opportunities for physical activity and exercise should be suitable for children’s ages, stages of development, physical abilities and health and in accordance with parents’ wishes

    Children also need a balanced diet to promote their physical development and growth.

  4. Another reason than the above, if your child is not ready for a certain skill, you are just wasting your time trying to get him to do that activity. Like throwing a baseball through a tire, when the child can't even through a ball 10 feet overhand. You start in a sequence, and move up to more complex skills.

  5. Its important because as a teacher you may have to talk with a parent about why you think their child is behind in physical development compared to other children. They will want to know why you think this and you will have the knowledge to help them. Also so you arent asking the kids to do an activity their bodies are physically mature enough to handle.

  6. So that you can develop these motor skills naturally, not put the child under pressure and encourage physical development

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