
Why is it important to maintain your own cleanliness when moving and handling individuals?

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health and safety at work (moving and handling)




  1. Infectious organisms are carried in body fluids and other substances like faeces. Many people don't have good hygiene practices or knowledge about microorganisms. Washing and drying ourselves is an important precaution to reducing the chances of cross infections and transfer of microbes. One persons normal flora may be another's pathogenic organism. Some people can carry Golden Staph for example but not get health problems while another will get septicaemia (blood infection). and so on it goes.

  2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

  3. Because no one wants to be handled by a dirty person (well actually there is some bloke that does and he advertises on one of our local public convenience walls).

  4. So you don't transmit germs or viruses to the other people.  You need to keep your self clean (washing the hands is the main thing) after handling a person before you touch anyone else.  This keeps disease from spreading so easily...

  5. you could transfer germs from one thing to another or to yourself

  6. could transmit something you might have to another, like a virus.

  7. Germs can be transferred to another person so easily especially if working with very young or the elderly or any one who is sick. But for everybody's sake cleanliness is essential surley?

  8. Come on seriously do you really want to touch a person who you do not know? Or someone sweaty? Or someone who is dirty?

    That is why! Lol after working in the med center for a charity at a national music festival I can promise you you do not want to touch someone who is dripping with sweat!!

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