
Why is it important to manage ethnic diversity?

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What difference does it make to manage ethnic diversity? Aren't the problems appearing because people have too much free time that they have nothing to do? Why must the government manage ethnic diversity? I'm quite sure normal human beings don't want to stir up troubles, only those who are dumb enough in their brains will do such things like throwing out racist compliments. If these people don't linger around the area, there won't be any problems, are there?

Debate topic. I just can't seem to understand WHY is it so important :|

Someone please explain to me and open my mind?




  1. To me who's had to take training in diversity every year for years it gets down to individuals being tolerant of each other and trying to get along. I guess the government thinks that they have a better grasp of what it takes for us to all get along better. Another freedom lost basically, but in some ways it does help, we certianly don't want to go back to segragation, that caused nothing but trouble. So for now we just have to tolerate our gov being in involved.

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