
Why is it important to study neurobiology when studying psychology and behavior?

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Why is it important to study brain biology (neurobioloby) when studying psychology and behavior?




  1. In the last 15 years tremendous advances in technology have been made.  With the use of the functional MRI we now know so much more about the brain and it's direct connection with behavior.  With this has also come better drugs, as we understand neurotransmitters better...most of the psychotropic drugs mimic neurotransmitters.  There is no wall between "neurobiology" and is one system, hence the reason to study it.  (college psych professor)

  2. Psychology is the study of mental processes and behaviors. Mental processes, of course, come from the brain. In order to obtain a psychological understanding of how the brain works, we have to know how the brain works in a biological sense.

    In psychology you will learn that the loss of a loved one can lead to depression. But neuroscience can teach you what chemicals the brain produces that cause depression, in what area of the brain they are produced, etc. Some mental illnesses cannot be cured by therapy. They’re caused by biological problems, and need medicine.

    If you want to be a psychologist you should focus more on psychology, but if you want to be a psychiatrist you should think about neurobiology more.

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