
Why is it important to study western civilization history?

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Why is it important to study western civilization history?




  1. to find out if we will ever be monkeys again

  2. there is a great deal of contention over this issue in academics.  Why is it implied that the west is  civilized?  even when we confront the horrors of WW I and WW II, we paint it as "how could the land of Goethe exterminate millions of civilians."  It implies shared culture--what is the best that we have had to offer, such as novels, music, religious ideas, civics, etc.  The consequence for us is an elevating affect--think about the olympics.  "OUR no.1!" and "How many golds/medals do WE have?"  Why do we associate oursevles with these achievements?  I am not half the swimmer that Phelps is, are you?

  3. to learn from the past

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