
Why is it important to tell stories?

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I was just wondering... exactly how much power does a story have? Why is it important for people to tell stories? Is it possible to keep someone alive through a story? Why?




  1. a story has the power to alter perceptions and history if not told properly (whether on purpose or not) word of mouth used to be the only thing that people had to relay messages to one and other. example news started off by word of mouth and then spread to newspapers radio TV. another very strong example is the aborigines and the dreamtime stories- they wouldn't have their culture without it. stories allow for people memories to carry on also-not all things are caught on camera- they are experienced and the only way to convey this is through the emotion set through stories, that cant be obtained through photographs or sometimes even movies.

  2. How much power does a story have For Sheherezade,  the legewndary originator or the Tales of the Arabian Night, they were the difference etween life and death. or Aesop, they were the prefered medium for discussing values in a culture. Jesus used stories to transmit theological truths to his followers.

    A story -- Uncle Tom's Cabin -- helped win support for the emancipation of slaves. Another story -- The Jungle -- created suych a stir that it helkped usher in the Food and Drug Administration. A story --War of thye Worlds -- created panics in 1938

    Hearing a story might have a salutory effect upon  people whose brain required stimulation while they were unconscious.

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