
Why is it important to use the scientific method when studying sociology??

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can anyone tell me what the link between the scientific method and sociology research??




  1. Well, Sociology is a Social Science that seeks to increase human understanding of how the social world works. Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior and human association and results of social activities.

    ***The SCIENTIFIC METHOD or methodology provides a systematic, organized series of steps that insures maximum objectivity and consistency in researching a problem.***

    In social research, one typically follows the following process: (think Scientific Method)

    Defining the problem that is in need of study

    Reviewing existing literature on the subject

    Formulating a hypothesis

    Consider the ethical issues involved

    Choose a research design (survey, interview, observation, experiment, secondary analysis)

    Collect and analyze data

    Draw conclusions (add new insight to area of study, challenge previous knowledge, and raise new questions)

    Good luck!

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