
Why is it importantr to reduce the amount of paper we use?

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Why is it importantr to reduce the amount of paper we use?




  1. It really isn't.  Its all propaganda.  The majority of the paper we use is taken from tree farms, leftovers from saw mills or recycled paper.

  2. Paper comes from trees. Cutting trees clear rainforest which not only destroy the habitat of thousands of organisms(both fauna and flora) but also it releases the carbon that were trapped in these trees for thousands of years. This obviously is a huge factor contributing to global warming.

    Besides these obvious reasons, the rainforest is important in maintaining the high precipitation in tropical regions as the rainforest is needed for water catchment.Without the rain, some tropical regions may experience low crop harvest leading to a shortage of food.

    Besides, the rainforest helps to renew the oxygen suppply in the air and lower carbon dioxide levels in the air.

  3. It isn't really - I know I'm about to have a hundred enviromentalists shout me down but hear me out.

    Paper is made from trees - which unlike coal are a very renewable resource. In the UK and USA there are massivly more trees now than 70 years ago as the demand for paper and other wood products has risen making it economically good to grow trees. These trees spend a few years being grown during which time they provide valuble enviroments for wildlife and reduce atmospheric CO2.

    Yes, the process of turning those trees into paper involes a lot of heavy industry which releases a few harmful chemicals, but is actually cleaner than recyling old paper, and compared to the enviromental good that is done by growing the trees in the first place seems pretty minor.

    Needles waste is never a good thing - but given the number of real dangers to the enviroment out there don't get caught up in an industry that does minor harm and a lot of good.

    And before people talk about the distruiction of the rainforest - remember, the paper used in the UK and USA is mostly grown in the UK ans USA (It's cheeper than shipping it from other places). Using sustainably developed local paper is a better idea than just not using paper at all.

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