
Why is it impossible to drink a gallon of milk in an hour without puking/?

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Why is it impossible to drink a gallon of milk in an hour without puking/?




  1. how many times have you tried this???

    Come on you can tell us :0)

  2. It is imminently possible. I have a friend who loves milk and drinks half a gallon regularly with meals, and I have seen him drink a whole gallon in less than an hour plenty of times.

    The thing is: drinking a gallon of anything in an hour for most people is difficult. Milk is very fatty, and that much fat on an empty stomach can be a bit difficult as well.

    Beyond all that, everybody has a natural level of lactose intolerance, it just varies widely from person to person. The more intolerant a person is of lactose, the more affected they will be by a gallon of milk.

  3. its impossibleeeeeee

  4. You stomach wouldn't hold it unless you are the size of cow . You need room and your bladder wouldn't be big enough .

  5. A person's stomach can only hold a ceratain amount of anything. The stomach CAN stretch up to 3 or 5 times its normal size (depending on the person) if that person REALLY wants to eat more. So this is why few people can do this, and not get sick at all, but they must also have a very good lactose tolerance, or they just drink so much milk that they're really tolerant to lactose.

    Many people do not have a really really high lactose tolerance, or don't like milk so they're pretty much forcing the milk in, and the stomach probably isn't doing anything but trying to digest it slowly. It gets to a point to where the stomach will not accept it and will bring it back up.

  6. THis is impossible?  It's news to me.  I am constnatly walking and running around with a gallon of milk in my stomach (because I love milk) and I feel nothing from it (except the craving for more)

  7. Its possible me and my friends have done it before

  8. Drinking a gallon of any liquid in an hour is difficult. The stomach can only hold so much and the bladder can only get rid of so much. When you drink too much liquid too fast, the body makes you vomit to get rid of some of it. Otherwise, it will go to the brain and cause serious damage.

  9. for one thing the normal sized human adult stomach only holds about a quart of anything at one time, that is why probably

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