
Why is it in Athletics's it's GBR but in Government etc. it is UK?

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I have been watching today Atheletics and it is GBR.




  1. In athletics it is GB & NI not GBR

  2. GB = England + Scotland + Wales

    UK = GB + NI

    I don't know what the British Isles are officially, but I have a sneaking suspicion it includes RoI (Eire).


    GB = Great Britain (as opposed to Little Britain, as Ireland was once called)

    UK = United Kingdom

    NI = Northern Ireland

    RoI = Republic of Ireland

  3. Because people from Northern Ireland can either choose to compete for the UK or for the ROI.

  4. Because we are all mixed up in this country, are we from Britain, The UK, GB, British Isles,

    We does everyone call the English, British/Brits?

    They don't call the Scottish/Welsh British, eh?

    No wonder the English have no identity.

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