
Why is it in dreams you wake up when you die in the dream?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds really weird, but i've always wondered. Why is it when you have a nightmare and you 'die' in the dream or realize that it is actually just a dream, you wake up? Also, why is it that you do not have a sort of 'free will' in dreams and everything just seems to go along?




  1. i guess dying is such a surprise that it jolts you awake.

    and actually, there is a way to have free will in your dreams. it's called lucid dreaming. while you dream, you're conscious that you're dreaming and you can control what you do. i've tried to lucid dream, but it's very hard. i wanted to fly and see what it's like, but i had an unconscious dream that i was running very fast. it's supposed to be very fun because you can do things you couldn't do in ordinary life, like make it rain candy.

  2. I don't know about the dying... I would have to guess that it's because dying is the end and so your dream can't go on. you might also be so scared of dying that when you dream of it it's the one thing that shocks you awake. I've had dreams before where I've died and the dream just stopped, I didn't wake up, it just stopped. I've also had dreams where, before I died, I became someone else, watching "me" die and therefore the dream continues.

    but you do you have free will in your dreams. it's called lucid dreaming. it's very hard to do since you have to be able to control your subconscious mind. I've never mastered it, but my husband has. he's even able to continue his dreams from the night prior. since your subconscious mind is controlling the dream that's why it will continue to just "flow" from your memories and imagination without your help.

  3. You wake up because it's over with.

    Dreams are mostly warnings and of  things to come but also a lot of spiritual warfare.  

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