
Why is it in football that guys smack each other on the butt?

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just curious




  1. cuz it's the cushony part of the body! plus they usally just smack u on the shoulder pads now!

  2. Latent homosexuality.

  3. Its their way of saying good job

  4. Does that turn you on?

  5. All the homo answers are funny, but the real reason is because it's about the only unpadded place on the body. The back piece of the shoulder pads runs halfway down the back, so a pat on the back wouldn't be felt. And you wouldn't hit a teammate hard enough on the pads for them to feel it for the same reason you wouldn't hit the opposition with a bare hand-jammed and dislocated fingers are tough, even on football players. So even football players are smart enough to go for the one spot where you can give your buddy a friendly "nice job" stinger, without ending up on the DL.

  6. Its a good question, I think it has to do with athletes checking out the gluts of other players without asking them. That way they feel... well you know sensitive. LOL

  7. Its because we have such a bond/friendship that we can slap each other's butts and have no problem with it.

  8. its like giving a high five but with grabbing anothers mans butt

  9. lol... im not sure.. i play and when ppl do that... i dont like it ahahha.... its pretty g*y.... john madden says ppl do that cuz theres no other place that is not covered by pads and they want 2 slap some free area... sometin like that.;.. yea sorta g*y... but whos gunna tell a 6'2 335 lb guy that his antics are g*y? ahahahah

  10. I don't know but can I get some of that action?  LOL!

  11. I suppose it's the equivalent to a high-five or hitting fists...except it's a bit more personal.

    Females, for example, give one another hugs. That is our form of a more personal high-five. Smacking each other on the bum belongs to the guys.


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