
Why is it in the U.S., you are the life of the party, but in Soviet Russia, the party owns your life?

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A little Smirnoff humor, please respond!




  1. In soviet russia, questions answer YOU!!

  2. Party in Soviet Russia was the Communist Party and it had a total control over life of soviet people. For example if a wife gets to know her husband is cheating on her in Soviet Russia she could go to the major party member at his work and complain. That party memner then would talk to her husband and say that he must stay in the family and stop cheating because family is the "cell of the society" and if leaves his family for another woman he could be excluded from the Communist party and then he would be excluded from the society - no new work without being a party member for example.

  3. @ Melissa1 - what a disgusting answer.

  4. Casue being in russia, is like being in prision without the meals.

  5. oh I thought you were talking about night pub kind of party life...

  6. LOL I agree with melissa lmao can you afford to party in Russia we all know they are poor

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