
Why is it mainly women follow Gaius Baltar in Battlestar Galactica?

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In the 4th season when Baltar is taken in by that cult like group of people, why is the majority of them women? Is there any specific reason for his "following" being mainly 90% women?




  1. its just for effect. him being surrounded by women draws people in. i wonder myself what, but i really think its just for entertainment purposes. honestly, woul you want to watch it if he was surrounded by men?

  2. Because he is a good looking guy.

  3. i can't give you a direct answer, but i can give you half an answer.

    The first TV show called Battlestar Galactica was a retelling of the Mormon story of the religion being created and moving to Utah. Really.

    this second version ( the re-imagining) doesn't seem to have much if any relationship to the Mormon history, BUT   when Joseph Smith (or Brigham Young) led people to Utah, most of the followers were women.

    By having Baltar's path ( at this stage) be something like Joseph Smith's path, this puts back part of the Mormon history into the Battlestar Galactica mythos.

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