
Why is it mainly women neighbors that are rude when out walking in the neighborhood?

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most won't even acknowledge my existance when walking by my home....I always say hi and would it kill them to say hi back? I guess I will stop speaking at all to the lady neighbors...AND NO, I don't want to jump their bones either. So, ladies, what is the deal?




  1. I agree with Johno.   The old ladies in my neighborhood won't stop talking.  The younger ladies are very nice though; even to the men.  Sorry for your luck.

  2. I have the opposite problem, a lot of my women neighbors are old age pensioners you can't shut them up once they start.

  3. It's a shame but culturally we are taught to be on our guard when we are alone around men. Deep down we KNOW not every guy wants to jump our bones but we live in a culture were rapes, molestations, murders, etc. committed against women are prominent. We realize that up against a full grown adult male, few of us stand a chance. We taught that if we feel uncomfortable sometimes being rude is the acceptable behavior when our lives could potentially be at stake.

    Example: I live in a city with a very low crime rate compared to it's size. One night an 18 year old girl was waiting at the bus station after her ballet practice. A few minutes later a guy walked by and said hello to her. Being polite she said hi back. Five minutes later he came back and asked if she had a cigarette lighter. Both instances were very innocent but inside she felt very uncomfortable. Although it wasn't late or quite dark yet she was still alone but for the sake of being polite she stayed. After the guy asked her for a light he circled back around, attacked her from behind and drug her to an alley where he raped repeatedly, beat her and left her for dead.

    That's our mentality. Some of us do live in constant fear of these things. Some of us always have this niggling feeling in the back of our minds. In many cases it's a supported feeling. In many cases it isn't but it's always there.

    If she would have forgoed societal politeness this incident might not have happened.

  4. That's such a shame. I don't know why your neighbors would behave in such an uncivilized manner. I would suggest that you continue being neighborly, at least to the extent that you already are.  No need to lower ones code of behavior to meet the obviously lacking social skills of others.

  5. I have the opposite problem in my neighbourhood.  It's a very geriatric area and all the old men are crabby but the ladies are nice (if a little too the post above mentions elderly ladies do chatter sometimes).

  6. Perhaps you have an intimidating appearance or there's something else about you that women feel uncomfortable even saying hi back.  I know that I'm the type of person who will say hello to people I am walking past unless they are clearly not interested in passing pleasantries or if I feel uncomfortable for some reason (though I'm rarely uncomfortable in my home town).  I've just always felt that it's rude to walk by someone on the street without at least acknowledging their presence.

  7. My neighbor told me she thought I was a perv but now she knows I'm just a lun.

  8. some women are afraid of men ( when the women are alone)

    not your fault

  9. Say it louder.

  10. Don 't you read the papers pal?  Why should anyone trust you?

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