
Why is it men like to push your buttons when you have your period?

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I am TTC so when I get my period I'm, well, h**l to live with. everything pushes me over the edge and I don't know how to control it. my husband and I never really get into big fights except when i have my period for some reason he gets moody and gets mad about everything which in turn gets me pissed off. Today I got groceries and it was 130.00 which what i got will last us 3 weeks. I came home and he blew up at me and started slamming things cause it was too much to him. I started shaking I was so mad cause I thought that was a ridiculous thing to get mad about!

Why is it when I'm at that time of the month and I'm TTC ( so that doubles my crabbiness when i get my period) that he feels the need to push my buttons??? Do you ever feel like men also get that time of the month mood? Wouldn't you think that would be the time he would be more considerate of my frustration instead of adding to it by blowing up about stupid things?

Sorry I'm a little angry right now!




  1. I think they have a sensor in their brains that lets them know when we are irritable.... seriously! But i also think it's a combination of men not paying attention and us being extremely susceptible to the irritations they cause.. good luck!

  2. I agree, that IS a ridiculous thing to get mad about. Have you talked to him about this and let him know that you feel this way? I used to keep things bottled up from my husband, but I have found that the best thing to do- even if it pisses him off, is to let him know when he is doing something that upsets me. Communicate! Maybe next time you need to go grocery shopping either ask him to come, or ask him to make a list. That way either he's with you, or he made the list so if you get everything on the list and it's too much- HIS BAD! =] Also I will say, maybe you think he is just being a butt when you are on your period because you are most sensitive during that time? Good luck and try talking to him- nicely if you can =]

  3. YES I swear men get PMS too...just no bleeding! LoL We always bicker when I'm on my period as well...and $130 for 3 weeks is AWESOME! I don't know what he's thinking! I shop on a military base (alot cheaper) and we still spend about $150-$160 every 2 weeks.  

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