
Why is it men think they are the best drivers?

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Why is it men think they are the best drivers?




  1. Some male drivers just get in the car and drive. They are not distracted by the other things that many other drivers do like, talking on the phone, texting, eating, changing the CD, singing, reading and so on. Get in the car ,drive and pay attention.

  2. Because mostly we are. We look around and see women drivers and say, I'm better than her.

  3. Tracing our ancestry back to our primitive roots as hunters and the females as homemakers,the male excelled in his judgement of speed ,distance and spatial awareness.this has become an inherent feature of our genetic make up.

    Of course women will argue that they are more careful drivers and since they are less aggressive in nature ,then this is probably true.

    So we then have to consider the definition of a "good driver".

    Is it a slow careful driver or a fast yet skilled driver.

    Well of course,we have to say the male is capable of both and the female is not generally capable of both.

    I'm sorry to the women who consider themselves good drivers and I dont mean to offend.Now go gets me my beer from the fridge!

  4. Men are better drivers that's why.  The facts show it

    Although men are three times more likely than women to be killed in car crashes, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and Public Health have found that, when the total numbers of crashes are considered, female drivers are involved in slightly more crashes than men. Overall, men were involved in 5.1 crashes per million miles driven compared to 5.7 crashes for women, despite the fact that on average they drove 74 percent more miles per year than did women.

    Also men are more likely to do things like donuts, off roding,and racing which help to learn how vehicles handle when they ate put to the extreme.

  5. Facts are hard to deny. How many competetive female race drivers are there? Also male brains are usually more logical and less emotional than female, this makes us better drivers, unless acted upon by outside forces(alcohol,drugs,loud music,cellphones and nagging).

  6. because, we are! lol

  7. They are brought up to act more confident and play with cars, act like they are attractive and good at 'manly' things. It is the way they are socialised.

  8. Men have more crashes, because there are more Male drivers than Females doing many more miles.

  9. We don't think, we know. So your question is based on a false premise.

    Regarding the number of accidents we have - that's because we're all swerving out of the way of the women.

    Women certainly have far fewer accidents, but how many do they CAUSE?

  10. This man is nearly 42, driving since 17 with no accidents and a clean licence, a history of high-mileage in a wide variety of vehicles, from motorbikes to trucks, and a lot of construction machinery.  I believe women can be as good and as bad as any man at the wheel.  

         Men tend to drive further than women, hence more accidents.  Women tend ot have parking scrapes and bumps, men tend to have big 'offs', involving trees, big collisions,  fire-balls and deployed air-bags.  Oh and just let's bury the idea that women can multi-task and men cannot.  Pilots tend to be men, and that requires loads of task-management.

  11. We have better spatial awareness than females. We concentrate on one thing at a time and do it well, rather than claiming we can "multi-task". Driving a car at 70mph is not the time to window shop,wipe the kids nose,open a drink and check your lipstick.

  12. Drivers AND pilots, men's brains are set up to calculate speed, measurement, and risk, instantly. (Hunting instinct.)

    It is a scientific fact that males and lesbians, (They have the same brain pattern.) are better equipped mentally to drive heavy vehicles and fly planes, don't sweat it, woman are more nurturing.

  13. i blame the testosterone

  14. Since everyone else totally missed the point of your question...

    Men THINK they are better drivers because it makes them feel superior. There's not much left for them to feel smug about after the 60s, so that's their consolation. End of story.

    It's just too bad that the research shows the opposite to their thinking. They have more accidents than women, so how are they better at driving/spatial orientation/lightningfast calculation? Please.

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