
Why is it more common/accepting to see black guys dating white women then black women dating white men?

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I am African American and I have dated white guys before. It seems that it is more accepting/common to see a white girl and a black guy together. But if people see a black girl dating a white guy it is less accepting and common. why is that?




  1. "Asian women are, on average, less fertile than women in other parts of the world because likewise"  One might want to reconsider this thinking when Asians are the largest population group in the world.  When you add in the Native Americans(Mexicans tend to carry their genes also) population which are also technically Asian(they came from Asia to America) it further shows they are having no difficulty breeding.

  2. Because it is so degrading for a white guy to be seen with a black woman. It says for all to see that the white guy is such a loser he can't get a white woman!

  3. Well, I am sure that like any other atypical couplings, there must be some sort of biological imperative for it to be rampant. I am not quite sure of what it is, but it ought to do with the notion that Black men are more fertile due to their above-average p***s length. Similarly, fertility is one of the factors that influences White men to more likely marry Asian women. To my knowledge, Asian men possess a smaller p***s than White men do, because of this, we should assume that Asian women are and have been quite monogamous, since intersexual selection did not decree men to evolve a longer p***s in order to compete in inseminating a particular woman (longer p***s = higher chance to inseminate). Having a long p***s, nonetheless, is unanimously attractive to women, for it confers better survival and copulating attributes for her genetic lineage. Let me point out once again that since Asian women evolved in an environment wherein men possessed smaller penises on average in comparison to other parts of the world, they are MORE likely to be monogamous and less likely to be promiscous because there was no evolutionary pressure for men to evolve a longer p***s to aid them in inseminating different women. Men, whether Asian, white or whatever, when opting to marry someone, prefer a mate who is monogamous, thus it seems that White men or men in general are able to detect visual or olfactory cues for monogamity in Asian women. There is also a general consensus that Asian women are, on average, less fertile than women in other parts of the world because likewise, there was no evolutionary pressure for a female to be more fertile due to the high monogamity in among Asians. With this in mind, It is clarant  that it is not an issue for white men to prefer monogamity to lower fertility since many of them subconsciously do not want to be cuckolded.

    Black men, on the other hand, evolved in an environment that required them to be more promiscous in order to pass on their genes. Otherwise, it would make no sense for them to evolve a longer p***s. If we acknowledge the fact that Black men evolved in this way to better suit their environment, we must assume that black women are more likely to be promiscous, as Black men have, until recently, only mated with Black women. 

    To put it succinctly, Black men are most fertile, White men are averagish, and Asian men are least, Black women are most fertile but most promiscous, White women are averagish, and Asian women are less fertile but most monogamous. Now, I dont want to sound like an prick or anything, but I posit the idea that different people marginally fluctuate in their preferences for the fertility/ monogamity ratio in a mate, but just to an extent. You see, I doubt you'd see an Asian man prefer a Black women as a mate. Why? Since he possesses low fertility, and she, a higher likelihood of promiscouity, it would not make any sense for an Asian man to be in a monogamous relationship with a Black women.

    This is just a brief understanding of Evolutionary Psychology with regards to intersexual marriage. It is interesting to see how the human race evolves, since there have been evidences to show that, in general, the race is becoming more and more monogamous. Will Black women face a survival crisis? Interesting.....


  4. I am an asian guy and I have dated a few white girls. As they once you gone white you will not turn back! haha...

  5. its the liberal media. they push for the white girls to date black dudes as if its cool. who in the h**l is a kardashian, and why the spotlight? it serves a purpose. and the women, girls especially are easily manipulated. its all left wing in theory: if we are all one color, there is less friction; to h**l with heritage. sheeps led to the slaughter. socialists really. if u read the thoughts of those 200-300yrs ago, u can see how much wiser they were. know we have left wing idiots do our thinking for us. not to mention blacks are buying machines; $200 shoes on a brother living in the projects, tank empty, and no bank account. those slingin really spend like there is no tomarrow. and dumbass white dudes, whom once ruled the world, are now spineless lil puss's that wont stand up and say they dont like it. and with half the brothers in jail, black women are sharing when they can. why dont u bw grow a pair and start kicking the s**t uot of these lil white s****s; u can get away with it easier than us. and why dnt we all stand up and say, any group of ppl+gender that has and breeds that much crime and accepts it with out saying anything, is straight ignorant and fucked off the ripp. wake up america!

  6. It is not more common.
    black guys with white chicks want everyone to see it.
    They would have a parade, and wave at you from a float, if they could.
    White guys with black chicks hide it.
    We all f**k black chicks, but we keep it a secret.

  7. "I dont know,I'm black and ive dated a white guy(who is still ma bf)...Ppl just give us odd looks thats all....dont really no ne1 white girls thats dated black boys doe...

    Ppl will always be ppl.....jus member dat"
    With this kind of "language" why would ANYONE want to date a black woman or man?!

  8. It is not more common for for black guys to date white girls!
    When a black guy dates a white women,
    he flaunts it all over the place.
    He wants everyone to see!

    Every married black women has been fucked by a white man, we just hide it so no one can see.
    Why do you think there are so many light skinned little niglets, when the parents are both dark?
    Muslim men have s*x with farm animal, white men f**k darkies, it's the same thing.

  9. For black men it is a giant step up to be seen with a fat ugly white chick.
    Most white men have more respect for their c***s than to stick them in black women.

  10. I'm a white chick and I say that I would never date a black man not because I'm racist but because I prefer Chinese food over soul food!Also who cares what other people think it's your relationship have at!^_^

  11. simple answer.  white men are more concerned about their long-term reputation in society and how being in a inter-racial relationship may adversly affect their social-standing.  and it would too.  some men may take a negro into their bed for the night, but that's about it.  they won't be seen in public with her.  once a reputation is compromised, it's a done-deal.

  12. Yeah I agree with this statement. The why part is complex though.  I've had black women I've dated tell me they get so much pressure from black men they know to not date white. I'm sure this works the other way too meaning bm wf couples get pressure from white guys but I don't know.

    As to the heart of your question. I think a lot of white guys think black women don't find white guys attractive and also you have to have a different game when hitting on "some" black women.

    Ive also had people tell me this coupling is so taboo because of the history of slavery and white slavemasters sleeping with slaves.  I find this ludicrious though if this actually influences your dating.    We're in the 21 st century people.

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