
Why is it more delicious to eat meal in the evening?

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I saw this topic before and I just remembered that food is much much delicious in the evening than in any time. I just forgot the reason why..please help.




  1. probably because the body works throughout the day, so at the end of the day the body is calling for more energy from the food.

  2. I don't particularly think food is more delicious at night.  It's actually healthiest to have your larger meal earlier in the day; or eat 4-5 min-meals instead of 3 large ones........

  3. I did hear that once before on Nightline or 20/20 I believe. I think food does taste better in the evening as most mornings, I prefer to just have coffee as my taste buds aren't working yet.  

  4. probably because your tired by that time to at least some extent. i actually am the opposite though. i find breakfast to be the most delicious and satisfying of all meals

  5. It's the reward after a long day ;)

    But like other say, breakfast is the most important meal. However, it's also the one we usually have the least amount of time to prepare, so it will more than likely be easily prepared, high nutrition foods .. in other words: healthy! And we are all programmed to feel that healthy food is not a reward, it's duty.

    Food in the evening is not necessary (unless you're going to work at night, in which case dinner will feel like breakfast). We really don't need to eat before we sleep, but we WANT to, we have TIME to - and we have time to prepare something really nice, rewarding for ourselves.

    By the way - did you know, that people, who choose not to have breakfast, or who have way too little (like a coffee, an apple or a single slice of toast) are more likely to get obese.  

  6. maybe its the brains way of making sure you recharge your body,really you are up for the most time come the evening right?your body has used up calories all day,i think it needs to be nourished and this is the bodies way of saying feed me??

    i,m no doctor but i think that all makes sense..

  7. maybe you are more alert then?

    maybe you prefer foods typically served at evening meals over morning or noon meals.

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