
Why is it most Republicans seem intent on recreating the 1950s ?

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-Perfect families.

-Conservative values.




Does anybody else remember what happened as a result of the 1950s?




  1. Just like you fringe leftist liberals want to re-create the '60's:

    Turn on, Tune In, Drop Out!!  Revolution, Man!!  Take back the streets!! ACTION!!!  ***CLOSED FIST THRUST INTO THE AIR***

    You are in favor of no familes, no social values, anti-Christian, and non-conforming??  Aren't you conforming these days by being a non-conformist?? I mean, all the cool kids are doing it?

    No thanks. You can keep the 60's and all the hippy protester, long haired druggy freak, feminist, non-conforming, no job, no contribution to society, fascist, communist, marxist, leninist, Che T-shirt BS!!  I'll pass!!

  2. A) They like living in the past.

    B) I wouldn't know. I wasn't born until the mid 1970s. :0)

  3. It was a time of great economic development.

  4. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics "Yesterday once more"

    Look in the real world.

    On what went wrong out there with self lack of knowledge in our youth back in the past without being aware of it being expose in time.

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time.

    Decode this lyrics " Don't know much -about misery"

    In Nostradamus paper back " The final Reckoning"

    The sketch on the secrets of the pyramid expose how we took the wrong turn in time without being aware of it being expose in time.

    Why we must crawl back up n finding our way back in correcting the mess in time not in recreating but continue from where we get off in time.

    Being the last descendant of this generation in time.

    Having the knowledge with the Book of the Living n tracing the faults in solving the misery in time.

    For the good of man-kind.

    In making this world a better place to live in time.

    With the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men for the little ones out there in time.

    The young one after being hit on the head with the Book of the Dead will not be able to make it in time.

    Time is running out on survivors of "Star on 45" with their children in "Area 51" to solve the mess out there in time.

    The Final Countdown had begun with the mystery of us-911 being expose in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. Well personally I feel bad that people think that is so wrong IN SOME WAYS humm what world do you like let me guess.

    -High divorce rate

    -Children dieing everyday on drugs

    -p**n on every billboard and TV station

    -Supporting a bunch of lazy asses

    -Morons that cant prove god does not exist and making a big deal about it

    -Sending or children to Collage to get mind warped bye professors that did allot of acid instead of teaching them

    -Letting courts decide everything instead of letting us vote for it  

    -Supporting murderer's and child molesters in prison for the rest of there lives Evan though there are allot of good people that don't eat 3 good meals a day

    -Get rid of our military so some other country could roll tanks in

    I'm sure you could add more to the list!!!

    Note to young hippie I did think before responding how do you know what most Republicans think we are all different with different views unreal how people categorize a group of people!!

  6. actually id prefer that to this f ing war. and the stuff we are dealing with now.... but Id say because the whole republican view is the anti-robin hood theory.  take from the poor and give to the rich.

  7. I think they had a slogan back in the '60s that read "We're going back to 1910".  Something like that.  Always 50 years behind.

  8. that was imperfect but a h**l of lot better organized than the corrupt, wicked situation in washington, d.c., today. we just have more stuff but the pride and sense of value has been nearly destroyed by runaway materialism. schools worse, banking is corrupt, small and large business crooks are rewarded and hardworking people have been fleeced until they have given up. just bitter and disgusted with the whole d**n mess.  

  9. Well, it's not just the Republicans trying to recreate it.  What else flourished during the 1950's?  COMMUNISM.  Isn't that what the Democrats are trying to recreate?

    My party is trying to recreate neither.

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