
Why is it my Da tries to justify prejudice against anything else he doesn't like as "loyalty to Ireland"?

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I'm dating (only dating, nothing more) a Polish lad, and in addition to saying I'm too young to date, he is trying to justify being racist by saying that if we got married one day and had kids, we'd be polluting the Irish gene pool with crossbreeds and permanently introducing foreign names. There are a couple of lads who live nearby who recently came out as being more than housemates. He hates it, it isn't "Irish" to be g*y. That only came into the counrty with King Billy. I'm almost 15, but he still won't let me get my ears pierced because it is a foreign custom from Asia, not part of traditional Irish culture. He won't eat curry, kebabs, pasta etc because they are "foreign shite".

He on the other hand is blonde with blue eyes (not exactly native Irish features). Although our surame is quite common here, it is actually SCOTTISH (although he argues Scots and Irish are both Celts so thats ok), we are ROMAN Catholic, and with the exception of "tiocfaidh ár lá" he speaks only ENGLISH.




  1. You can point out to him that the genes of 'King Billy's people are more than likely a major component in his genes and that a huge number of his Nationalist heroes were Protestant.

  2. Sorry to say, but your Dad is a racist and not a very imaginative one at that, if he justifies his attitude by claiming its out of "loyalty to Ireland". Remind your dad that some of the most patriotic Irishmen were not 100% Irish. Has he ever heard of Lord Edward Fitzgerald or Eamonn de Valera?

    If he still doesn't get it just tell him to "Póg mo thóin"...I'm sure he understands that much Irish

  3. To be honest, your father is a racist OR a xenophobe. Theres really no way around it.

  4. iunno

  5. People have been coming and going to these Islands for Thousands of Years, and a Lot of the Population are Descended from the Scandinavians and their Descendants the Normans and latterly The English.These are mainly on the East Coast of Ireland,and the more pure Bred Irish are mostly on the West Coast .That being said we are mostly all mixed up now and it is Hard to tell the Difference anymore Between People on the Island of Britain and Ireland. In another couple of Years you will be able to do what you want and see who you want.Your Fathers Constant Attempts to Control your every move could Backfire on him and you could end up Hating Him and Totally Ignoring Him when you get  Older and not Seeing Him anymore. He is right to be concerned about who you see because of your Age, you are after all  only 15 and can be taken advantage of. Women have always got their Ears PIerced in Ireland from Ancient Times up to now, the same as anywhere else.A few Relatives of mine let their Daughters have their Ears Pierced from as young as 11. As for the g*y thing, there has always been g**s in every Country in the World ever since Man came into Being.It has only become Legal for a few Years now in Ireland. I think your Father is being over Protective of you, that is what Mothers and Fathers do he cant Help it. You will have to wait only a couple of Years to be able to do your own thing, and make your own mistakes. What ever you do dont get Pregnant at 15 take Precautions, good luck.

  6. Unfortunately it looks like your dad is a Racist/ Bigot and Xenophobe (as someone else pointed out)

    Unfortunately that is the case with the older generations. Some of my family members in my grandparents generation are a bit like that (only granted not quite as extreme)

    But peoples attitudes are improving more and more as time goes on. =]

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