
Why is it neceassary to make the t.v. switch for analog to digital?

by Guest32016  |  earlier

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For that matter who made the decision to convert? I think whoever is responsible should provide converters to those who cannot afford one. As for me I see big changes, negative ones ahead.




  1. The reason is simple, bandwidth.

    Think of it this way, there are all kinds of electromagnetic frequencies going through the air right now, from radio stations, to cell phones and television.

    You have to lease a bandwidth(A range of frequencies) to be capable of sending out these signals.

    Old television signals you pick on your antenna aren't very popular anymore and probably have to use very wide frequency ranges. If you do it in digital, you don't need such a wide range.

    Digital is 1's and 0's and technically, you only need enough frequency variation to tell the difference between a 1 and 0. That's the reason why they're changing it.

    If you're still using your dinosaur tv with an antenna, you can get a coupon for the change.

  2. First of all, it will benefit society by freeing up all the bandwidth needed for analog stations by switching over to digital.

    Second of all, if you can't afford a converter box (which you only need anyway if you currently get all your TV from an antenna (not cable or satellite)), there's a government coupon program that gives you a $40 coupon to buy a converter box:

    Third of all, there will only be positive outcomes from this. The only negative outcomes will stem from those completely ignorant of the situation and so out-of-touch with reality that they can't cope with a change that's necessary for technology to advance.

  3. It would be nice to think that such a system would "free up the spectrum" but it won't. In some places, what might happen is that a changeover from analog to digital might be used to shift the channels onto (higher) bands or onto satellites . But in general, just as much space will be used as is now in use. What it does mean is that space will be used more efficiently. In practice that means more bang for your buck. All sorts of interactions will now be routinely used to connect more usability for the consumer. Two types of Digital will be available, HDTV and SDTV. HDTV will allow new TV's with different aspect ratios and higher definitions to be used. SDTV will allow different aspect ratios but the definition will be about what your present TV does now.

    Multiple channels will become available (by using multiplexing), however, the stations may not be able to take advantages of these as it will require investment by them in studio infrastructure which they may not feel is justified.

    As to who decides. FCC in USA would decide this in consultation with TV presenters and other interested bodies. In other words the Government. So if you have a beef, take it up with them. However, the process has international ramifications as it's is a world wide trend.

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