
Why is it necessary for childrens imaginative play to flow freely and with minimal adult intervention?

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Why is it necessary for childrens imaginative play to flow freely and with minimal adult intervention?




  1. Look up in NVQ, CACHE or diploma course handbooks: It gives you ideas, theroist etc that you can take your answer from.

  2. So that they can establish thought processes and consequences.

  3. In my opinion the adult mind is very rational and has many boundaries. children's mind doesn't always make sense and they have be left to flow without any boundaries in order to develop their imagination.

  4. Well they cannot intervene!!! They can PARTICIPATE!

    As a kid i would dread the moment my parents would start nosing around in my plays. They wouldn't pick up where the "kick"was that i was getting. There are things they can do do contribute, i.e. participate:

    By giving space and freedom.

    By, say... not punishing them for using fire crackers in garden?

    Advise and help, but give space. if you dont understand but sounds harmless, stay out. :D

    hope it  helps

  5. Children are "innocents", and by that I mean at a young age when they are first starting out they know nothing of violence, taxes, or least the way adults do. I think that children's imaginantion should be free to create whatever they need to. In life it is better to create than to know, kinda like Einstien said when he said "Imagination is more importatant than knowledge." When adults get in the way of a child's imagination, it takes away that important discovery period when I child is supposed to wonder what life is all about. Better to have them play young and not have worries about the adult world.

  6. for the children to explore their own ideas that make  sense of the real world through imaginative role play and left alone this can be absorbing for them to develope into their own mini fantasy worlds. tina bennett outstanding registered childminder

  7. ????????????

  8. try following the directions your teacher gave you and do your own work or you wont learn anything and we will not be there to do your tests

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