
Why is it necessary for scientists to record and publish their results and experiments?

by Guest56112  |  earlier

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I'm in a really har biology class and we got a homework sheet. I don't know the answer to one of the questions which is why is it necessary for scientists to record and publish their experiments and results? HELP!!!




  1. The answers above me are all great.  I'll just add one thing--it prevents cheating.  I had a colleague who once said, "There's no point in cheating in science.  If you publish the work and it's important, you'll be found out.  If it's not important, no one will ever read it anyway."

  2. publishing results and experiments are necessary because you want others to know what you have found out (you don't have to keep it for yourself, it should be shared with others) and what you are doing, you want your work to be recognized, you need to get funds for further research programs from public and private institutions, and for other scientists to make use of it and make it available for replication...

  3. In addition to the above answer, publication in a scientific journal requires "peer review" in which other experts in the particular field of science must review your methods, results and conclusions to determine their validity. If they do not approve of your work...the journal wont publish it.

  4. a) To inform others of your results and conclusions

    b) To be a published scientist, necessary for retaining that all-important grant money that supports your lab.

  5. because a key part of science is reproducibility. in other word an experiment you did should be doable by anyone, and produce the same results you got provided they follow the same methods you have, this is to rule out errors in your methods.

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